Am just about to head off to Spain with my mother to visit my brother and his family for sun, fireworks and gigs!
This weekend is the
Fallas Fiesta, Valencia's annual attempt to burn itself to the ground! Essentially the whole town builds massive amounts of carnival floats and then sets light to them while parading them around town. Did I mention that they are stuffed full of fireworks too? Imagine a city full of pyro's like
different_tan and you'll start to get my drift, I think...
Given Mark has been over there for almost 9 years now, I can't believe I've never been. Conversely, given the Valenciana's penchant for the audible over visual, I can easily see why Mum's never been!
Anyway, Mark's band is also playing a gig on the Saturday night (starts at 1am Sunday! Don'cha just love the Spanish view on life!) so I get to see him play for the first time in AGES! Will be so cool!
PS DIdn't the forecast say it may snow this weekend? Not in Spain! I am sooooo looking forward to this (and sooooo getting on people's tits by crowing about it constantly!!)