I hereby blame Trav, Wendy, Dan, all of witter and the internet at large.
All prompts must include an actual posting (only one per prompt, please) from
Texts From Last Night - you can include additional prompting info if you want but we encourage leaving as much room as you can for those who want to fill. We do ask, as a courtesy to all, that before you prompt you take a moment to glance through what has been prompted already so we don’t get lots of duplicates.
Genders or names noted in the TFLN can be changed to suit the fill as needed.
For the first time ever, we're doing this pan-fandom style - any and all pairings are welcome! FPF, RPF, gen, slash, femmeslash or het - anything!
If you have a pairing or rating preference, please note it along with your prompt.
For fills, please include FILLED at the beginning of your fill, along with the pairing and rating. Also be sure to warn for anything triggery.
Anybody can leave prompts, anybody can fill prompts, and there’s no limit on how many times a prompt can be filled; the more fills, the better!
And of course, please pimp and share!
http://bewaretheides15.livejournal.com/100801.html" target="_blank">
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i368/bewaretheides15/panfantfln.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" />
Danny/Stiles, Danny/Jackson - (541): Well his dad was his wingman, so I had to fuck him. I didnt want his dad to think that he was doing a bad job - NC-17 - by
olavina J2 - (+61): remember that guy i blew in a bathroom in barcelona, i just blew him again in rome. lightning does strike twice. - NC-17 - by