tell me about you n' more...

Jun 22, 2005 15:44

r e l a t i o n s h i p s

01. who are your best friends? they know who they are.
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes.

s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? no.
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? clairol herbal essentials or pantene.
03. what are you most scared of? losing my loved ones.
04. what are you listening to right now? bandemonium series.
05. who is the last person that called you? apple.
06. where do you want to get married? the beach, during sunset.
07. how many buddies are online right now? 7.
08. what would you change about yourself? they say i trust too much.

f a v o r i t e s
01. color: lavender.
02. food: pasta, pizza...
03. name your boy: matthew
04. name your girl: charlize
05. subjects in school: english and architectural design
06. animals: dogs, cats, fishes, birds
07. sports: volleyball, tennis, badminton, swimming
08. perfume: dolce & gabbana's light blue victoria secret's love spell
09. cologne: victoria's secret - love spell

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? lol. aside my dog?
02. smoked? tried.
03. bungee jumped? no.
04. made yourself throw up? nope.
05. skinny dipped? no.
06: ever been in love? yes.
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yes.
08. pictured your crush naked? no.
09. actually seen your crush naked? no.
10. cried when someone died? yes, of course.
11. lied: yes. who doesn't?
12. fallen for your best friend? before.
13. been rejected? once or twice. they regretted it though. =)
14. rejected someone? yes, guilt is still there.
15. used someone? not intentionally.
16. done something you regret? yes.

c u r r e n t
clothes: skirt and sleeveless
music: bandemonium
smell: D&G's light blue
favorite artist: lots
favorite group: the corrs
desktop picture: anne geddes (baby in a flower)
cd in player: bandemonium

a r e | y o u
understanding: yes.
open-minded: yes.
arrogant: no.
interesting: i dunno.
hungry: just had lunch.
smart: a little.
moody: sometimes.
hardworking: depends on my day's mood.
organized: most of the time.
healthy: only when i realize i'm gaining weight a bit too fast.
shy: with new peeps, yes.
attractive: i don't know.
bored easily: sometimes.
responsible: most of the time. i guess i am.
obsessed: with cute stuffs, yesh.
angry: i can control it as much as i want to, but i can also explode like a bomb.
sad: when i'm in sharjah.
disappointed: of people who you thought you can trust and respect, but really CAN'T.
happy: i'm very easy to please. =)
hyper: sometimes.
trusting: yes, i trust too much, that's why i get hurt easily as well.
talkative: sometimes. lol.
legal: i think so.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a

slap: those who like saying lies about people.
get high with: nobody. no reason to.
look like: some said i looked like salma hayek. lol.
talk to offline: anyone.
talk to online: anyone.

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r

coke or pepsi: any.
flowers or candy: both. i also keep the dried petals or wrappers esp. if they're from some1 special.
tall or short: medium.

n u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken: a few times.
of hearts i have broken: a few of them as well.
of girls i've kissed: never tried.
of continents i have lived in: asia, middle east.
of tight friends: a lot.
of cds i own: hundreds (dvd/vcd/audio)
of scars on my body: i scar easily from insect bites, got to have medications ready all d time.

from jullienne.
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