(no subject)

Jun 07, 2011 23:39

mild nervous breakdown instead of watching all my shows tonight? not how i wanted to spend the evening. now instead of being full of flail over sunday's game of thrones, and the continuation of the neal/peter love story white collar, and new covert affairs for the first time in six months, i'm puffy-eyed with a headache about to pass out asleep. ugh.

i'm fine, it was just kind of a release of stress and tension and sadness, and i know i'll feel more relaxed in the morning for it. but still. not what i wanted to do the night before a long-ass shift.

on the upside, i have seen x-men twice now and am even more resolved to lay hands on digital copies of the comics so i can spend the next however-long-it-takes immersing myself in the canon. idk what it is about origin stories / backstories that always gets me hooked, but i am kind of predictable that way. i've been in love with x-men since childhood, and i've been meaning to read the comics for literally over five years. never got motivated enough; guess i am now. :3 anyone who knows a good place to torrent or DL the comics, hook a sister up. :)

i have so much writing to do and so little time to do it in. ;-; though that is a problem for thursday, and not today. blahhskdjfhskfj. okay. putting away the internet and bedtime. ♥ all.

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fandom: a very groovy mutation, writing: about writing, life: woe, life: by climbing slow

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