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Jan 12, 2011 23:11

so i read china mieville's 'kraken' last week and am so fucking in love with it i could die. there's nothing i like better than a book that mixes religion, mythology, magic and really awesome characters. and of course because it's mieville it's got a huge-ass dose of weird to it, too. i'm so in love with him, i now have most of his books on my nook and am going to be reading my way through them forthwith. anyway-- anyone else read 'kraken' and want to squee with me about it? :3

also i finally did a reread of 'the hunger games' and 'catching fire' so i could finally read 'mockingjay' and whoooooaaa. halfdreams called it a merciless ending, and she's totally correct. i loved everything about it. i wouldn't have wanted an easy end, TBH-- i think how emotionally agonizing it was really set it apart from other YA novels. even dystopic YA novels often pull the punch on the ending because they want them to end happy. and while this absolutely had a hopeful ending, it wasn't easy, and i wouldn't call it happy. i adored it though.

on the note of hunger games : go watch this amazing fan-made video of rue's death. i started crying about thirty seconds in, and by the end i was full-on ugly-crying, sobbing and sniveling. gross, but man, it's powerful.

aaaand additionally it's been a long time since i had not one but two characters latch onto my brain and say HEY YOU PLAY ME RIGHT NOW but between dane from 'kraken' and haymitch from 'hunger games' i am awash in new pup fervor. it's nice just to be doing freeform stuff, though part of me wants to bring haymitch to a game, i wouldn't want to unless i could be assured of having a really good katniss and peeta to play off of. same with dane and needing a good billy. though if anyone anywhere ever did a game set in a london that was like a mix of neverwhere and kraken, i'd so be down. or an all-mieville game, though idk how you'd mix bas-lag and our world.... someone more dedicated than me would have to figure that out, lol.

these are the ramblings my brain accrues after two days spent lying on the couch. i fell down the stairs at my house on monday night and while i didn't seriously injure myself, my back has really been bugging me. thank god the snow today closed the mall, so i only have to use one of my sick days instead of two. i'm mostly ready to go back tomorrow, at least i think so. only time will tell. but yeah, i've been woolgathering for a lot of the past two days, lol.

not much else to tell in emily-land. received an awesome fic for yuletide, a meld of hotel california and a knight's tale that i will link to when i'm more motivated to go find the link. and what i wrote was well-received too (i wrote for kick-ass with a slight crossover into marvel's runaways) so i'll link to that soon as well. lheena sold me her old laptop for a song (well, for some money and some lush stuff, but whatever) which has been a godsend since i was really beating up on my netbook more than i should've been. and it is SO glorious to have photoshop again, on a computer that will actually run it without crashing.

which reminds me, i want to 'shop some stuff. wallpapers, icons, whatever. but i can't decide what to do. SO please livejournal give me some ideas. i could do tron, hp, dr who (ninth doctor, or nine/rose/jack permutations), human target, bsg... name a movie or a show and i'll tell you if i've seen it.... OH ALSO THIS REMINDS ME I JUST FOUND OUT GAME OF THRONES PREMIERES APRIL 17TH. (i am having a serious ADD evening, i tell you what) and goddamn, there are some kickass fan-made promo posters out there. so i could do that as well. and please, god, someone release a picture of sandor before i lose my mind. i'm literally dying to see what he's going to look like. :3

okay this entry brought to you by emily's serious lack of focus and concentration. i'm going to go get in bed and read some more now. looking forward SO much to this weekend-- any time i can spend two straight days on peregrina and halfdreams's couch and snuggle with their dog and drink beer and watch lost-- that's a weekend worth the name. XDDDDDDD

goodnight! ♥

fandom: fire catches, i love squot's faaaaaaaaaaaace, books: 2011, fandom: is awesome, fandom: who made you?, books, photoshop, life: yay, fannish: fanvid, writing: about writing, real life, life: tired, life: fail

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