and now john mccain is leading the republicans in filibustering the entire defense budget because the senate panel voted to repeal DADT.
fuck you, bigots. i am so sick of this shit.
great, because i really needed to be so angry i could cry right now, at work. A+
...and very quickly the comments have led me to wonder if
oimizza or any of you other classics freaks know the closest equivalent term in ancient greek to "asshat". i love my flist. *___*;;;
furthermore (aren't you glad i just keep updating this post instead of making all new ones? i know LJ =/= twitter even when you are long-winded) my subconscious apparently is obsessed with winona kirk. besides the fact that my big bang is going to focus heavily on her, as i sift through my ideas for a possible lucky number slevin reboot for
reel_startrek, i am realizing that an awesome way to do it would be to just tell the story from winona!goodkat's point of view. so yay, lots of winona fic coming your way this fall, apparently. XD