(no subject)

May 02, 2010 22:36

it feels strange to be posting again so soon after the last one; this is a bad bad sign. i've been too long away from you, internet. :(

well, i plan to compensate with fic. 8D who has a decent knowledge of the ST:TOS episode "arena" and would be interested in betaing a fic reboot of the ep? it's kirk/spock, natch, and currently running about 12K words. i mostly look for a beta who can tell me if a word/sentence sounds wonky or if there's any inconsistencies or holes in the plot. i have to post it by friday and it's not done yet, so i'm hoping to get someone with a fast turnaround. :3 anyway, drop me a comment if you're interested and thanks in advance. XD

totally un-relatedly-- i've seen around LJ a little comment-counter code at the bottom of some people's entries that were crossposted from Dth. is there a place to get those kinds of link codes? cus i've just been hand-coding the "this entry was originally posted at dreamwidth" thing but it's annoying, lol, i'd rather have something to c/p. i'm still learning about the site, and having flashbacks to when i first joined LJ and was all "lulz what's a userpic?"

okay, i have 13 minutes before i have to get in bed, so i'm gonna go try and get a few more paragraphs cranked out. <3 g'night!

writing: betas, writing: about writing, livejournal, life: in the tubes, fandom: the final frontier, dreamwidth, crosspost

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