you wear a jacket

Feb 08, 2010 20:55

BUSY LIFE IS BUSY. ughhh. had the most amazing weekend ever with laulan, still definitely riding a high from that. :"D on the flipside, i'm not working AGAIN this week. is good b/c gives me some time to catch up on the neverending pile of shit i have to do, but bad b/c MONEYYYYY. *mourns* i'm going to do something new and different this year and get my ( Read more... )

andy is the best internet wife, life: yay, life: work, fandom: the final frontier, real life, life: fail

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Comments 5

douxquemiel February 9 2010, 15:59:08 UTC
my inbox is down below 40 new messages, so that's something, i guess.

I was about to make fun of you, but then I realized my Gmail inbox is at 41. FAIL, SARAH. Most of it is old, I just need to go through it. Ugh.

Also, this is for you. BECAUSE I LOVE YOU FACE. And maybe, one day, I'll actually read some fic from that dam rec list. x_x


betweenthebliss February 10 2010, 19:19:15 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. i take back my tweet about you not warning me. XD XD XDDDDDDDDDD i love you (and your faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace) too, have i mentioned that of late? *does a dance* i'll be getting on that asap. XD

and yeah, i'm back at 40. >.>;;;; i rly need to work that shit out. it was only 2 months ago i was down to ZERO new messages. le sigh.


douxquemiel February 11 2010, 19:12:15 UTC
AAHAHAH, SEE, SEEEEEE???? Just for you, woman. ...ahem, "ASAP"?? :P IT'S MUSEBOX, WHO CAAAARES WHEN WE GET TO IT!! *dances around, RPing with abandon*

Ugh, 47. Stupid emails. A quarter of them are FROM myself TO myself, as reminders or crap, but it's just annoying. XD


betweenthebliss February 12 2010, 06:15:57 UTC
well, i want to do it soon, i'm more excited about that than i have a right to be, lmao. <3

and omfg i'm so glad i'm not the only one who does that, ahahaha. though i might start keeping a google wave for that purpose. if only wave was linked in gmail..... sigh.


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