you wear a jacket

Feb 08, 2010 20:55

BUSY LIFE IS BUSY. ughhh. had the most amazing weekend ever with laulan, still definitely riding a high from that. :"D on the flipside, i'm not working AGAIN this week. is good b/c gives me some time to catch up on the neverending pile of shit i have to do, but bad b/c MONEYYYYY. *mourns* i'm going to do something new and different this year and get my taxes done BEFORE april 15th-- cus shit, son, i need that money. meh.

anyway, i finally updated the trek fic rec list of doom and it is now officially two posts. christ, i read too much fic. anyway, go forth and amuse yourselves until i have enough brain for a real post.

.....i'm going to go now and possibly answer some emails. my inbox is down below 40 new messages, so that's something, i guess. -_____-;;;

andy is the best internet wife, life: yay, life: work, fandom: the final frontier, real life, life: fail

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