(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 14:02

i want to run away
just pack up a leave
i want to go somewhere else
and be named maryanne
or something like that
i'll wear cute shirts
and lose the stoner weight
my pants will fit
and no one will know me
so it won't matter that i don't know them
i' could smoke nothing but long cigarettes
and be just a little drunk all the time
start a new wave dance band
with lyrics that aren't drugged gibberish
paint all my shoes
and own lots of tights
take pictures
and pretend like i'm busy
work in some sort of cafe
and own some stupid studio apartment
i could paint all the walls in different colours
and plaster them with collages
and nonsensical pictures
random bits of wall paper
i'd buy all my furniture second hand
paint it turquise with a black crackle finish
maybe i'd even get a tan
to hide my tarnished skin
i could have a cute accent
and wear big sunglasses all the time
no one would have to know me
and i wouldn't have to know them
maybe some where by a beach
or the water
somewhere far enough
to forget this life ever existed.
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