So aside from the very sad news on Friday about the murder of my former teacher, things are really good here.
Mark and I started back up at school last week (actually Mark had seminars the week before too, so technically he started the week before). I completed my syllabus for my thesis class (in case I haven't made it clear I am doing my thesis this semester which is devising the curriculum for an Ensemble for Non-Majors course where we will create an original piece of theatre over the semester) and sent it off to my advisor with days to spare. :)
The first week of classes went quite well. I had several people drop the course since the first day and I am convinced that it is because they saw the syllabus (which has all the assignments outlined) and decided it was too much work for an elective. I am only asking that they put in as much time outside of class as they do in class, which is what I understand to be standard...however most people take theatre electives because they think they will be just be fun and "easy". I agree we are having a load of fun so far...
What's really wonderful is that we get to live at home again and we are each only going up two days a week (not the same two days), so life feels almost "normal". On my off days from school I am working from home and starting to get the web business back up to full speed to be able to pay off the student loans which I have accrued over the last couple of years.
We actually have weekends that are not crammed with trying to get all the reading and preparation for the next week done and we get to choose what we do (like have a "day of nothing" or clean the house - amazing how that didn't happen when we were both going full time and living in Boston).
I have been a non-stop, go-go-go girl all my life and recently I am finding that that just doesn't float my boat as much as it used to. I am enjoying my down time more and more and the freedom that comes with making my own schedule. I have learned that I need to read something 2 or 3 times before I really get it (which is not condusive for the fast-paced environment I was in and I'm sure contributed to a lot of the anxiety I felt over the last couple of years) and I function best when I only have one new thing I am working on at a time (like developing a new curriculum or directing a show). More than that and I get overwhelmed and my feelings of inability and insecurity come up and take over and everything goes to hell (see posts about school for the last couple of years).
So things have slowed down here and it's a good thing!
I know this is all going to go out the door soon, though, as I start rehearsal for a show this week in Providence and my free time will become greatly reduced; but until then I am enjoying the easier pace and recognizing my needs more clearly so I can ask for what I need when I need to.