Mar 10, 2011 18:25
oh hai! Did you miss me? I miss you.
I am lurking on your LJs in the middle of the night, catching up etc.
I kind of love my new job.
I love working for a small company.
I love supporting small companies. Our clients are so nice and something about getting a small company back on line when they have no network before 9 am is satisfying. I like what I do and I am good at it. I have gotten 2 unsolicited kudos this week from customers. And customers who are very specific and particular about what they expect. I won the RocMan again. This is a weekly acknowledgement, from our team meetings. You get a small Easter Island statue head for your desk. I have won it 3 times and I have only been on the phones since about the 8th of February. So that is pretty sweet. It makes me feel like I am doing well. That feels all good and stuff after working for a year, giving great customer service and getting no feedback from my supervisor. So yes. I am happier where I am now.
School is good. I got an A- (lame a minus REALLY??) in my Accounting I class. Bummer. This messed up my 4.0 GPA and now I have a 3.94. Booo Urns. I wonder how high I could get if I get straight A's a 3.99? I currently have a 95 percent in Accounting II. Then I get a business break with my Literature class. Ahhh Literature. I wonder what we will read. Exciting. Then it is a year of 300 and 400 level classes and then I get a degree. Ultimately, this school thing is great and I like it. However, it takes way more of my time than I was expecting. I think people think online school is easier, but I would spend way less time on this material if I were in class. This means my social life is cut back a great deal. This also means I am saving money.
I am sugar fasting again. I am not great at it this go round but I am trying to be kind of good.
SXSW is staring and I have no real plans to see movies or music. Well....probably I will go see Bad Brains and Dead Milkmen. I have not really had the bandwidth to plan for this and I am not taking time off this year.
The newest addition to our household is a Chihuahua we call Caesar Meatballs Chavez Barksdale. Or simply Little Man. He is always pressed up against me if I am still and he looks at you a lot. If you rub his belly he will fall asleep. It is darling. Chewie and he are becoming friends S L O W L Y. But it is happening.
I may or may not drive to a teeny town in Louisiana and gamble this weekend. I am not sure if I can swing this or not. But I will figure it out tonight.