What a turbulent place this school is! So many ups and downs I can scarcely keep track of them all.
Haha... that's a lie. I keep track of everything.
I imagine it must be difficult for others to stay informed about current affairs, though. As being of knowledge, it only makes sense to help others become more aware. In light of this, I'd like to start up a school newspaper. It appears we already have the necessary materials. Thus, all I require are seekers of truth willing to submit articles.
Local events, global occurrences, fashion... any subject is fine. The artists among us are also welcome to submit comics. Please be sure to submit your articles to my office before Sunday night. In addition... you'll notice the presence of a new bulletin board on my office door. The paper will be including The Declass, a page devoted to anonymous comments. You're welcome to post up a memo, if there's anything you'd like published.
Ah... I'm also going to require an editor; although I'll be functioning as the staff advisor, I'm afraid I'm far too busy sleeping trolling sleepolling? working to handle such things myself.
((OOC: SO GUYS. Here's how it'll work OOC.
1. Write a short IC article about a log you did ("Dragon and Chicken Spotted Having Dance-Off, Locals Confused and Kind of Aroused"), an event ("Firefly Festival Sabotaged By Crazy Guy With 4x4"), or just a bit of headcanon (A food critic review of The Roost, an interview with the guy who plays The Pokeathlete Maximo in the radio dramas, etc). Or draw a comic. Whichever. PM it to
betterthanawiki , with the headline in the subject line.
2. Post to this thread saying what you wrote an article about. ("[Ionia immediately rushed off to write about F-Zero racing HECK YEAH]") This is so that we don't get 7 articles about how evil mushrooms are or whatever.
3. Mail yourself a trophy for a job well done. B) The articles will be compiled into one big entry that'll be posted on Monday.
4. If you're just posting something to The Declass, then just post them to the thread on this entry here. All declass notes are anonymous unless the character signs them.))