My latest and possibly greatest life lesson to date: Sometimes doing the proverbial “right thing” isn't the right thing for you.
I'm struggling here because deep down the resonance of my polite upbringing is causing me to feel guilty about not responding to a correspondence (received yesterday) in a timely manner.
I know that this is a battle I'm not going to win. As soon as I respond the sooner I will loose.
The timing could not be worse as I find myself in a creative phase, and I know focusing for any length of time on this distraction is going to potentially sabotage anything I might accomplish.
I feel this has to be a life lesson coming on:
To not get sidetracked or waylaid by lesser people just because of a compulsion to be a good person, or follow some unwritten social guideline.
I can & have worked with difficult people successfully, so this is not about me wanting to avoid an unpleasant person. This person is very personable, just not to me...And it's uniquely personal.
I’m not a shrinking violet but I’ve fought this battle before. I know I can’t win, so it is not wise to continue, especially after I thought we had moved on. It has to be malign intervention. On a cosmic level, somewhere, somehow, this individual senses I am content and that is profoundly disturbing.
I’m going to choose to not have this battle right now. I don’t need or want this unwelcome intrusion.
I’m going to ignore it until…We’ll see... This is a new approach for me.
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