I'm NOT Dead.

Aug 14, 2014 16:53

...Quite the contrary!

I admit it; I joined a certain social media as a means to end.  It was fun at first…From a practical standpoint, it is a very easy way to stay in touch with people I like & need to have relatively easy access to on a day-to-day basis.  It’s also a very easy way to find people…The more unseemly side is that it allows me be a voyeur in the lives of people I miss.  The negative is that there are a lot of angry people sharing angry and often frankly un-factual things.  As an artist & sensitive, it is sometimes difficult to tune those things out.  It’s mostly disorganized and has become a time suck and a hindrance to any sort of real productivity and nowhere near as gratifying as I need.

Free from a certain amount of obligation recently, on a whim I decided to take a bit of a literary vacation.  I have not read for fun in years and I didn’t realize how much I missed losing a day reveling in the imaginary seclusion of a book.

For the last several years life has been a roller coaster, to say the least.  Most of my reading has been in the form of either research or editing - sometimes both, and my writing has been obligatory.  Granted, I did enjoy it, but the deadlines made it a lot less inspiring.
An aside to that, I was also privately journaling the antics of a rather unpleasant person I was forced to deal with…Trying to figure out a practical solution.  It became my own sort of therapy.

I stopped thinking of myself as a writer.  I used to write all the time.  In the past 5 years, I have found myself in the company of some very witty friends who don’t even know that I used to whip out a poetry in an hour, or wake up in the middle of the night seized with an idea…Or just a need to type out my latest crazy dream.
Reading for fun has made me realize just how much I missed writing.

As I added some sketches to my idea book recently, I had also stopped drawing and painting for quite a while.  I’ve been working with image editing & graphics, which I do enjoy, but I prefer the tactile application of media onto surfaces.

Further fueling the fire; frustration at a repetitive motion injury diagnosed last year; which ironically, handwriting and drawing seams to help with…And toss in the death of a close family member, as well as a few other talented individuals...These things have given me further pause to re-assess.

The most creative I have been in a few years has been sharing the creativity of others.  There is nothing wrong with that, but I need to do a little something for me.  For the first time in a long time, I am feeling inspired.  My fingernails have some color on them!

I think I will be stepping back from facebook for a bit, and likely finding an outlet for words and art here and/or Wordpress.  Probably a brand new facet of the online persona, but one of them may be slightly more SFW.  ;-)
I have some ideas!

And singing!  I haven’t felt like singing.  I need to practice!
Fuck it! Lets have some fun!

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inspiration, life/death, poetry prose & other articulate drivel, plans/goals, contemplation, the current shade of redd

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