My mom and I both received an e-mail with this link explaining why "The Golden Compass" should be banned. I dearly love the people who forwarded this to us, so this is in no way meant to insult them...
I'm really too upset by this to say very much... I mean, I know that lots of books get banned. Harry Potter is going to make all of us satan-worshippers and now, gasp, GAY!!!!!! I just still have such difficulty understanding why people are against/banning literature. KIDS ARE ACTUALLY READING!!! No video games. No gory movies. No chatting with pedophiles on the internet. THEY ARE READING!!! Isn't this what we want them to do? Don't we want them to become educated or at the very least to be literate? I guess we'd just rather have God-fearing, cheetos-eating, Halo 3 playing mindless blobs without any understanding of differences or respecting that we are not all the same carbon copy.
Oh well! Off to eat cheetos!**
**P.S. Cheetos are delicious. I am sorry, Cheetos, for including you in the rant.