Oh scholarships and grad school applications. Sometimes I think that I need to make you into a full-time job because THAT IS HOW MUCH TIME YOU ARE TAKING ME. Ugh.
So I had an application due this Monday. Let's call it Scholarship B. But by "due", I actually mean all application and supporting materials received by the selection committee. Said selection who is in Ottawa. So the smart and logical thing would have been to send the whole thing off by Purolator on Friday, right? Well, obviously too smart and logical for me. I finished writing up the application on Sunday evening, and TOOK A FREAKIN' GREYHOUND BUS to and back from Ottawa on Monday. At least I managed to meet up with a friend who's studying at Carleton for a surprise!lunch, so the day wasn't a total waste. (Oh yeah, I also personally handed in the application documents, but that was just boring and anti-climatic.)
Next up, I have a cocktail and interview for the other scholarship that had me running around like a headless chicken earlier this semester (henceforth known as Scholarship A). Now, I've done my share of
interviews and cocktails, but I can't help feeling nervous for this thing. Oh god, and what a thing this is! Such a big, big, big deal. I can't even imagine myself receiving Scholarship A, but should it happen...well, let's just say that the next couple years of my life and career are set. Gaaaaaah.
Apart from Scholarships A and B, which are both for Uni #1, the actual application for Uni #2 is also due at the end of this month. More precisely, they need to receive all the documents at their office overseas by December 1st. *headdesk* This means that I'll have to send them out around Nov. 26th, and seeing how I'll be done with the interview from Scholarship B on the 20th...oh lordy lord. I need more time.
(Don't even get me started on how my finals start the first week of December. Just, don't.)
Be strong, Betsy, be strong! Go to bed early, like the acupuncturist said (she totally fixed my back, btw, yay for no more back pain!) and think positive thoughts. Like
this, for example. That's pretty positive (and ridiculously hot, may I add), no?