Guys, I have NO INTERNETZ AT HOME. I've resorted to skipping class camping out in the school cafeteria to steal their wireless. *is desperate*
So yeah, Halloween was fun! I had to work until 6pm, but afterwards I went to
acidraiin's party where we indulged in foods and that particular kind of fangirl squeeing. We watched Hot Fuzz (oh hai, Simon Pegg) and the motherlode of all Halloween movie marathons, the Rocky Horror Picture Show! (I know, shame on me for not having seen it earlier...)I kind of understand what the hoopla around that movie is all about now. Sparkles! Corsets! The Time Warp! And because this begs to be shared:
ANTHONY HEAD STEWART SINGING "WISE UP, JANET WEISS". Yes, in stockings and makeup and EVERYTHING! (Oh Uther, how will I ever look at you the same now?)
Speaking of that show, HOW ADORABLE WAS THIS WEEK'S EPISODE?! I can't decide if my favorite moment was Merlin's positively gleeful grin when he emerged from his hiding-place under Arthur's bed or that awkward not-hug near the end. *is happy*
I also jumped the White Collar bandwagon, because gorgeous and talented cast + witty writing = yayness! I loved the pilot, but was kind of disappointed by episode 02. It just seemed so...superficial to me. I don't know, maybe the pilot raised my expectations too high or something. Oh well.
Rec of the week:
The History of Wonderboy and Young Nasty Man by
hollycomb. Halloween AU with an unbearably adorable middle-school-aged Star Trek crew. Think the Enterprise meets one of those mystery-solving Baby-Sitters Club story. Gah, so cute!
*runs off to class*