Heya, peoples!
Just wanted to say that if anyone's going to the Ekka tomorrow or on the Wednesday holiday, stop by the Wool Pavillion and say hello to me! We'll be near the lambs and kids, across from two fat sheep, and around the corner from llamas if my memory serves me correctly. Follow the scent of boiling eucalyptus leaves, look for the spinning wheels.
While I'm here, might as well talk some more. I've been so busy lately. I've been on the computer so little that I haven't even been reading my beloved
Sluggy daily, just catching up a couple of time a week. See, I picked classes this semester that have no big assignments, but all have frequent homework. So I'm bogged down in latin translations, linguistics worksheets, and various programming tasks and prac preparation. On top of that, I have no completely free weekends in all of July and August. Luckily a few, like this one, I only have stuff on one day. Next weekend is a Guide camp. And I'm not just working one day a week anymore, I'm working a second day when there are any spare computers there. This is a good and bad thing: less time for homework and knitting and internet; but more money and I like where I work, it's good fun. So. Whew.
We got a new toy - a hard drive recorder/dvd burner for our tv. So Mom's been recording enough Inspector Morses to last us a lifetime, and we've been spending our evenings knitting/weaving/spinning in front of the tv. I need time to let my brain rest. Speaking of tv, Mom and Dad are waiting for me, we're going to watch part 2 of a show on Mark Twain that was on last week... see you!