Jan 23, 2010 06:44
I must be insane.
So I'm thinking about taking a drop spinning class. For those of you on my f-list who already do this, I have some questions...
Do you prefer high or low whorl? Why?
Do you buy roving to spin or fleeces that you prep yourself?
Have you taken any spinning classes in Portland that you'd recommend?
Since I came up with those questions, I picked up some gorgeous roving from Northwest Wools along with a high whorl spindle that looks fairly studenty. I also found a copy of Respect the Spindle and am working my way through it.
Before I started knitting, my only use for the yarn I spun was weaving it, and what I could spin was so far away from what I wanted to weave that it felt not worth the effort. Now that I knit I can think of all kinds of things that I could do with a single skein of pretty colored lumpy string.
Knitting is definitely a gateway drug.
Oh, did I mention I've started lurking in quilting stores...