(no subject)

Jun 27, 2005 14:27

You know what, I *don't* really make an exception for people with learning disabilities or for whom English is a second language or any of that.

You know why? It's not just because I'm a bitch. It's *also* because when I am communicating with people over the internet, the only representation I see of them is the words that they've typed. The ONLY representation. It's unreasonable to expect me to know that you have a learning disability. It is unreasonable to expect the vast population of the planet to be intimately familiar with your personal background before they read anything you say and thus form a judgment of you.

If you don't want to take the time to make sure what you say is coherent - and I'm not looking for perfection, as that would be kinda hypocritical - then why should I take the time to interpret it?

There are a lot of people who when faced with similar circumstances to yours surpass them and become effective communicators.

Now, if immediately before your entry or story there is a note saying that you have a learning disability/brain damage/English is not your first language/you were raped by evil dictionaries as a child et cetera, that will be information that I have that may well cause me to cut you more slack than if that note was not there, and I don't *blame* you for your problems, but expecting me to know that you have problems and to automatically cut you slack for them when I haven't been informed of them?

What the fuck?

The internet doesn't coddle you. It has no reason to. And hitting spell/grammar check takes maybe an extra minute.

I want a nap.
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