watched "Emissary" yesterday!

Jun 20, 2005 16:28

Yesterday I was capping "Emissary" as a favor to someone and also because it gave me an excuse to watch the episode again (hey, I've got all these DVDs - why don't I do them?) and I was really impressed by it.

For one thing, it's been awhile since I'd watched any DS9 (I caught the tail end of an episode on Spike TV while I was home for break, but I wasn't really paying any attention to it) ... and I was forcefully reminded of how much I love this show, these characters. And capping the show made me realize, while I was sorting through my caps and deleting those that weren't worth keeping (ending up with 554 ones that I classify as "decent"), how delightfully expressive people's faces are. ;-) Also that I tend to have my fingers on the 'C' key way more during scenes I want to pay attention to, so the father/son moments between Sisko and Jake have a lot more images from them than, say, the random technobabble sequences while we're talking about how we're going to move the station.

I love Ben and Jake. I love the way they are with each other, I love the elements of physical touch in their relationship and the way they seem like a real family. I was startled by how the scenes of Ben acknowledging that he exists "here" on the Saratoga where Jennifer died, and finally grieves for her and begins to move on, are still capable of bringing me as close to tears as anything else I watch on TV.

And I was, as always, astounded by Julian's incredible dorkiness. Oh, baby, do *you* ever grow up.

Quark! This is before any of the Quark/Dax stuff begins, I'm pretty sure the first glimpse of that we get is in "A Man Alone" although there might be something in "Past Prologue" - I'm capping "Past Prologue" next so I'll be sure to check ... but I love the scene when he hits on Major Kira. So deliciously smarmy. I love my little Ferengi weasel, yes I do. XD I'm also really amused by how much the relationship between Quark and Odo matures over the course of three short episodes. In "Emissary" I don't think the writers really had a handle on Odo yet. I mean, they knew he was a changeling, and a security officer, and sarcastic and grumpy and all that, but I don't think they really knew him as Odo, and it's never more obvious to me than in the scene where Sisko manuevers Quark into staying on the station as a "community leader". The playful aspect of Quark & Odo is not visible in this scene at all, and neither of them are anything like their witty usual. It's actually kind of hard to watch. "You're a thief." "I'm not a thief." "If I'm a thief you haven't been able to prove it for eight years" blah blah blah - where are my boys? Well ... they're still there. The shadows of them, that is. Odo leans forward, smirks and says, "You know, I didn't think I was going to like him," and whatever trepidation I might have felt over watching this Odo and Quark interaction just dissipated. My snarly snarky bastardly Odo's in there, see? There he is.

I also am desperately envious of people who shipped Kira/Odo from the very beginning. There's just a little exchange, when he comes back from the sabotaging the sensors on the Cardassian ship: a gesture of mutual respect and acknowledgment, but one that sets up how deep the mutual respect is between the two of them, how much they care about each other: just a nod from her, a head-tilt from him, and back to business ... it's lovely.

And there are other Kira/Odo moments, too. The way she says "Constable" ... the admiration she has for him, the way that her vitriol doesn't tend to get directed at him because she knows his competence. She lets him come with her in the runabout, despite the fact that his presence would probably be more useful on the station, because she recognizes that it's important to him. And it's a give and take. He's more open with her, less prickly, than he is with anyone else, even now, here at the beginning, and it makes me so jealous of people who caught that right here at the beginning and started shipping, because I feel the Kira/Odo shippers got deliciously teased and tortured for six years only to get the best payoff of any Star Trek shippers ever ... he may leave her at the end, which makes it bittersweet, but I still think that the Kira/Odo shippers win at shipping in a big, major way, and I wish I could've been there from the beginning rather than, you know ... the way I did it. ;-) Which isn't to say that I don't like the marathoning of show, it just feels less real somehow than the obsessive way you can ship when you've got weeks in between episodes to do it in and overanalyze everything and say things like "My God, Hoshi, you do that even better than he does".

No real good shipper moments for any other pairings I've got. Some images turned out pretty well for Kira/O'Brien and Kira/Dax, but only because I capped them standing near each other and/or looking at each other and stills can be reinterpreted really frigging easily. ;-)

Anyway, off to kidnap James and buy textbooks now!

deep space 9, spastic fannishness

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