Getting stuff done!

Jun 20, 2005 15:58

Tuition: Paid.
Parking pass: Bought.
Fall parking: Applied for.
Final paper from last quarter: Collected. (Lots of "Goods" ... boring!)
GET: phoned & reimbursement request submitted.
Boys: successfully woken up (er, oops).
Cell phone: charging.
Weather: hot. They say it's only seventy-two degrees, but the humidity's at 60% and I'm sweating like a pig. Thank goodness for my light flowy skirt and tank top and sandals, because if I were in my usual long-pants get up I would be dying. This ... sounds like it's going to be a summer full of doing laundry.

As for fannish responsibilities ... I wrote another paragraph or so of the Fanfic That Will Never Get Finished, and Renfield looked it over for me and told me it wasn't on crack. Yay! Still plenty of things I'm behind on. Multiverse needs to be *started*, for fuck's sake. And then there's my Zelenka ficathon assignment, which is terrifying as I've never even written in the fandom before. Why do I do these things to myself?


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