(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 03:23

Things to do tomorrow:

1.) Wake up while it's still AM.
2.) Buy bus ticket home for the brother.
3.) Buy pink Crit Theory book.
4.) Read pink Crit Theory book.
5.) Answer Blackboard questions with pink Crit Theory book.
6.) Find out whether cut-out advertisement needs to be in on Tuesday or Thursday for Crit Theory.
7.) Play puppies with Rhiannon.

I don't know what's up with the movie, if we can do that at all. Apparently Tennyson's back up, but Marc's going down to Seattle. WTF? I have no idea what's going on. The temptation is to pretend to be reclusive. We'll see what happens.

Things to do Monday:

1.) Wake up at 6:50 AM and STAY AWAKE. That's very important.
2.) Go to Biology.
3.) Drive to Bellevue (this may be wrong. I may be driving to Seattle. I don't actually know.)
4.) See ballgame.
5.) Take brother back up to Bellingham.

Now I'm going to read more Preacher and then go to sleep.
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