(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 17:40

Well ... this is the last one, because I am now out of Farscape as well as Andromeda. As soon as I get my computer to acknowledge its DVD drive, I'm gonna prowl the special features on the disc, and then I'm going to take a nap, because despite all the sleeping I did last night, I still apparently haven't had enough.

What Was Lost: Part II - Resurrection

Argh, just as squicky in the previouslies. It’s even worse than he thinks.

Crazy old lady.

This looks not at all familiar, no.

This part’s different, though.

Poor John. Constantly the repository of information worth being tortured for.

Hehehehehe. Oh, D’Argo.

How can you tell? You haven’t even approached him yet.

Goddamn gland.

I don’t know that that will work, dear.

Hehehehehe, Smithers.

Wow that man has balls.

I love you, D’Argo.


That was pretty.

Hiya Braca.

You are so weird, John. The ass-taunting remains hilarious, though.

Yeah, Jool, your timing sucks.

He can’t hear you, Chi. He’s underwater. … or maybe he can. The hell?

That image looks like it comes from a novel cover.

Man, Jool and Chiana totally kissed during the commercial break, and we missed it.

Aww, you’re adorable, D’Argo. “Well, I am now - she’s a rock!”

Awwww! Cute!

::pets Jool::

I loathe you totally and in all ways, Greyza. Erk.

Why does that woman exist? Gah.
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