(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 16:46

I spam LJ more! Woo!

I'm starting to run out of steam, really.

What Was Lost: Part I - Sacrifice

Hooray, stuff in the previouslies that I never saw before! Except that time Sara showed it to me.

Totally illogical.

Hooray! Eeee! I love that scene. So much gay at once.

The love, the love! XD

The hell’s that thing?

God, why is that woman?

It’s not particularly short for anything. It’s got the same number of syllables, D’Argo.


God, you’re horrid, ma’am.

Oh, Braca.

You shouldn’t torture Scorpius. It’s not a good idea.

And you are just bizarre.

Wow, I hate you.

You’re making me very uncomfortable.

Freaking mind control breasts.

God. Eergh.

Poor Braca.

Freaking crazy drug dealer woman.

Were they singing the theme song?

Extreme close-up.

This show is so freaking bizarre.

Awww. D’Argo.

This is not a very coherent set of minutes, is it?

You shouldn’t turn people to stone.

Oh, I hate you. I hate you a lot.

Leave Chiana alone!

Oh, my. He’s on a leash.

What the hell’s the point of even having clothes.

Freaking mind control breasts. God. Ack.

Ohhh, Braca.


God, beyond creepy.

Would you stop doing that already?

Braca says … fnuh?

So do I, really. Man, that woman is strange.

You'd probably be better off following him down the cliff, babe.
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