Originally published at
beth maher. Please leave any
comments there.
It is New Years Eve - and for the first time since my pre-teens I have no plans whatsoever. Normally that would make me feel a little unloved, but this year I’m pretty okay with not having plans to do anything for once.
Especially after Liam tore his hand in half on a cat food can and we had to spend a few hours in the ER getting him stitched back up Friday night. Not. Cool.
Instead we get to sit around and eat yummy food and watch silly movies and I can play with my Christmas presents a bit more (I got a relatively fancy Waterman Fountain pen and I’ve just hunted down the perfect waterproof black ink for it!!! Pen nerd is in lurve!!!).
So we rented all four hours of
Gormehnghast, and will probably head out to the big asian supermarket soon to get supplies to make our own dim-sum (yummy-nummy).
No resolutions. I don’t believe in making promises I won’t keep.
Besides, this year I got what I wanted (moved to Toronto, got into and attended OCAD, got a kitten, got a studio, got to work for Torontoist) and found out that sometimes getting what you want can be just as disapointing as not getting it (attending OCAD for instance… and having the stress of that prevent me from staying at Torontoist…).
Next year maybe I’ll make no plans and be pleasantly suprised with the results?