Fic What I Would Never Write: Doctor Who/House MD RPF

Jul 14, 2014 12:00


So . . . lost_spook posted this meme, asking for prompts for fic that she would never, ever, ever write.  Naturally, I rose the the challenge, with this set of prompts:

Blake's 7 -- the orgy!fic -- bonus points for alien sex pollen (since Aliens Made Them Do It is actually CANON)

David Collings' guest appearance on Spongebob Squarepants (I'm assuming that you've never seen Spongebob Squarepants. That's the point.)

Explicit RPF: David Tennant and Hugh Laurie getting it on backstage during a Doctor Who/House, MD crossover special

Welll . . . in the ensuing conversation, I filled the David Collings prompt, sort of.  And then we negotiated, and I promised to do the RPF if she actually did the alien sex pollen.

And now it's time to pay up.

Doctor in the House

“Oh, hell,” Hugh snarled. “”David, for God’s sake help me with this thing, can’t you? We’re on in a few more minutes and I’m still half-naked.”

“You’re more than half exaggerating. Hang on, I’m going to have to get it off you first.” David Tennant tugged Hugh Laurie’s tux jacket off him, straightened out the tangled sleeve that had turned itself half-inside-out, and gave it a brisk shake. “Here. Let’s get it on you again - right arm, left arm, good God, why’d you get one that fitted so tight?”

“It’s not mine, I left my own back in LA, it’s a rental.”

“Why didn’t you finish changing in your dressing room during the interval?”

Hugh looked faintly embarrassed. “I was signing autographs out in the lobby, and I lost track of time. Every time I said something, half the women started giggling. The older ones have forgotten I’m a Brit, and a lot of the younger ones didn’t even know. They’ve only ever seen me on American TV, can you believe it?”

“Right, I know just what that’s like. Every interview I do, there’s someone who thinks I’m faking the Scottish accent.”

Hugh finally got his tux jacket settled properly onto his shoulders. “Remind me again why we agreed to do this?”


“Right. Charity. Worthy causes.” After a frantic hunt through his pockets, Hugh found the bright red foam ball and carefully affixed it to the end of his nose. “How does it look?”

“Smashing.” David donned his own. “Well, allons-y!”

Onstage, they heard crashing and banging, punctuated with roars of laughter from the audience. A high, shrill panto falsetto quavered, “Oh! Dear me! Is there a doctor in the house?”

“That’s our cue,” said one Doctor to the other.  "Come on.  Charity hideth many sins!"

"It had better," came the reply, slightly distorted by the red foam nose.

doctor who, crack, fic, memery

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