Signal Boost: writing grant for "working-class/impoverished writers"

Dec 17, 2013 11:23

I wish the amount of the grant were higher (by about 40x), but here it is:  a $750 grant for people writing speculative literature who meet certain criteria.  Quite frankly, of all the writers I know, maybe half a dozen at most do not qualify.  Examples of qualifying criteria:  "you're American and qualify for the earned income credit [or] you live paycheck to paycheck [or] you're supporting yourself and paying your own way through college".

Basically, they want to support the voices of those whose struggle to write at all, to which I say, yessss.

Applications will be accepted until February 28, 2014.  Fanfic won't count, but orig fic does:  anything "from hard science fiction to epic fantasy to ghost stories to horror to folk and fairy tales to slipstream to magical realism to modern myth-making -- and more."

This is not a writing contest:  they ask for a writing sample of "your best work".  To apply, you give them:
  1. personal statement: a short statement (up to 750 words) which addresses both your relevant financial background (why you qualify for this grant), and your future writing goals (what you hope to accomplish, with the help of this grant)
  2. writing sample (your best work, published or unpublished -- up to 10 pages of poetry, 10 pages of drama, or 10,000 words of fiction or creative nonfiction -- if sending a segment of a novel, novella, or novellette, please include a one-page synopsis as well)
  3. a bibliography of previously-published work by the author (no more than one page, typed); applicants need not have previous publications to apply

writing, signal boost

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