ok... so i have a lot of work today... this is just some thoughts that i wanted to write down before i write my paper.
i'm taking a korean pop culture and media class and have to turn in a five to six paper thrusday after my modern geometry final. wish me luck people. anyways, my topic is on homosexuality and pop culture. remembering back when i first started watching shinhwa clips and getting freaked out about eric hugging and kissing and tugging everyone's ears. i had no idea what fanservice was back then... quite honestly, knowledge of all fandom has ruined me. i'm barely passing my classes and might not graduate this semester... but that is beside the point and i've enjoyed my downfall into fandom [though i can't say i enjoyed my downfall into slash fanfics for which i blame it all on one person... you know who you are] but really the main thing that popped out was films and dramas like "king and the clown", "coffee prince", "antique", and "boy meets boy" that's going to be on the paper.
moving on... so i had a lot of work to do and on the advice of
janesattva i decided to work out a little day planner that would time my work to the hour. let's just say it didn't work. but i did finish reading almost everything. by the time i got to the last article, my eyes started to hurt and i knew a migraine was going to come if i didn't rest, so i took a two hour nap... i never fell asleep. i was too worked up about everything. but i did work somethings out
- i figured out a new plotline for a fan fic i was working on. it would be the fourth new plotline for that story, but nothing has been great so far. hopefully this one will work out better.
- i figured out my outline for my paper and what direction i want to go
- from my paper i figured out that instead of moving towards society more accepting of homosexuality we're moving towards a society that's less accepting of heterosexuality. i mean think about it... some fans go crazy when one of ther idols collaborate with another idol of the opposite sex. the bashing is so epik that it's rumored a girl committed suicide because of the hate she incurred by E.L.F's when she took a picture with kangin of suju. though, this is of course an extreme case. but definitely something to think about.
now don't hate. just a conclusion i've come up with for my paper. these are just some extreme fans - true fanatics - who are like this. i would like to think that i myself, my friends, and most of fandom is more clear headed than that. besides, this kind of topic is bound for an A, or at least a B+, no? as long as i'm clear and i don't have too much typos.
[edit] so i tried not to watch tv... one of my articles had siwon in it and so i cut it out and used tape as a ... cheap way of lamination... well i had to tape it somewhere... i taped it on the television as a sign that i wont watch television... well i got dinner and while i ate i turned on the television. siwon's picture is still there. it's actually somewhat see through].