Domesticity and Unemployment

Feb 21, 2009 20:16

For an unemployed person, I had a lot on my plate the past few days.  I was in Dallas for the greater part of last week, visiting with my aunt and gram.  I helped my aunt get her ads on etsy up and running, which meant lots of jewelry photographs and a bit of creative writing.  It turned out rather good, I think- she's already sold one piece!

More than that, though, it felt good to be able to help with something.  And good to see my family.  We spent one afternoon looking at some old family photographs from the 20's and 30's, which were on a cd disk.  This one handsome guy sort of stood out to me and I asked my gram who he was.  "Oh, that's your great uncle Beano," she said.  "I have a great uncle Beano?  I'm related to some guy named Beano," I asked. "Well, yeah.  His full name was Cherubeano," she answered.  Which maybe I should have guessed, seeing as there were pictures of him on the wall at someone's house with two little metal cherubs next to it.

I find that absolutely fantastic and amusing - having a great uncle named Cherubeano. Apparently, he had a way with the ladies.  Which, really, where do you go with a name like Cherubeano?

All told, though, I'm getting much better with the unemployed thing.  I use to panic a lot after Bob would leave for work.  I wouldn't know what to do. I'd feel paralyzed.  Now, though, the days seem to run into each other and I'm having fun.  I see friends for coffee.  I go to movie matinees in the afternoon.  I take naps with the cats.  I bake a lot.  I'm not doing *anything* particularly important, but I'm having fun.  And I think that's worth something.

In other news, Bob's eye healed, completely.  It was a miserable week for him and he's still on steroid eye drops.  We've had a few good laughs about his potential roid rage.  And, of course, he's still wearing the eyepatch and talking like a pirate.  So there's that.

It's a mellow Saturday night.  I made a pizza dough and topped it with veggie pepperoni, mushrooms, olives and onions.  We drank a bottle of red wine.  We've been watching you tube videos and some episodes of The Riches from Season 2 on Hulu.  I'm about to slice some strawberries and kiwi fruit for dessert.

I'm happy.

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