So remember that paper that I had to write on Gender Socialization?
My teacher said this:
Demonstrates little, if any understanding of Gender Socialization; the facts were lacking, vague, inaccurate or inappropriate.
Has only a slight understanding or lacks understanding of the structural implications.
But then she goes on to say this:
Supports logic with thoughtful explanations & salient arguments.
Connects at least one theory concretely with the student’s real life experience and the resulting data.
Answers all philosophical questions presented in thoughtful and detailed way
How the fuck can I demonstate so little understanding of the topic but then answer all philosophical questions presented in a thoughtful and detailed way? I swear, this woman... *strangles the air*
She was so freaking rude in the comments she made on my paper. Granted, I didn't expect any praise because heaven forbid I actually disagreed with what she had to say (oh the damn horror! We don't expect our students to actually HAVE opinions and use their minds!), but give me a freaking break! She actually wrote "You are muddying the issue here" and totally missed the point I was making because she's too freaking afraid to question anything and look outside of the box. Then when I posed one question she said, Although this is a particular area within the field that might be addressed, the larger question at hand would be why is the “stay at home” mom devalued in society and why are her contributions not seen as important (or in my view, more important) than her counterparts? So because I didn't ask the question that SHE thinks is more important I'm wrong?
I ended up with a B on the paper. So I know nothing about the topic, but apparently I'm good at rambling about what I don't know because she couldn't mark me down for it. ???? *groans and rolls eyes* Oh and she tries to correct my sentences when she doesn't think they flow right. I really don't like that. If I were an idiot writing things like, "What I seen when I went to do my datas was that them kids clothese ain't equal," it would be one thing... but she added the word "it" to a perfectly good sentence of mine that totally didn't make any sense with the word added in. You've SEEN some of the things people post in this class on the discussion boards But I would be scared if I didn't believe in Juses and did't get taken out of here before everything went all crazy.
... and yet she's trying to correct my sentences by adding words that make no sense?
I simply can't stand this teacher. I've tried so many times to give her extra chances and yet every freaking week she does something like this. I know I'm an opinionated bitch sometimes and I like to stir up the water a bit by not conforming to shit that I don't agree with, but I'm not a freaking moron and that's exactly what she treats me like. I feel like I'm back in High School again (the first time, not the good school I actually graduated from) where none of the teachers want to hear what you have to say or think they just want you to be a Stepford Wife and blurt out exactly what the text says. But as much as I'd love to say that I'll do exactly that for the rest of the semester so that I don't have to deal with this woman's insanity, I honestly don't know if I can. I've "been there and done that" and don't want my education to be like that. If this were a SHU class I'd be sitting in my advisor's office throwing a total piss fit about it. But it's not SHU and frankly I doubt anyone at LCC would even care to hear my complaints. They'd probably find a way to justify her 50 + page syllabus with 14 pt font and pictures every five words. It's not that I can't handle being wrong... if I'm wrong then I'm wrong, big deal. But I don't expect to be spoken to like I'm a twelve year old. That's EXACTLY why we went to the dean last semester about the guy who was teaching that research class from hell. We're adults and expect to be treated like adults. Screw that, I demand to be treated like an adult. So what if she's a teacher? So what if I say something that isn't correct? Then use your so-called teaching skills and tell me without all but saying that I'm an idiot. There's a good way and a bad way, but she apparently doesn't know the difference.
I need to go to bed.