Since you can now buy T-shirts with bits of the email I described in the last entry, I might as well kill my efforts to conceal her name out of (pfffff) RESPECT, BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!
So she's a Baliol College Girl.,,8210-2327707,00.html Here's the thank you letter after the event, plus a photo of the friends - presumably after the staggered approach to the Rivoli Bar. Here's a (dead) link to Lucy Gao promoting a department at Oxford, and more pics, as well as her dismayed response to the worldwise laughter her 'joke' email got. Of course, if it was meant to be a joke, she'd be desperately happy.
Which she appears not to be.
And here you can buy T SHirts to commemorate the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!! AAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAA
We're all screwed.