Concert Meme

Sep 20, 2008 14:30

(Concert meme, snatched from whatthefuckbenj)

- What was your first concert?
The first that I went to with friends and no family was Elton John on Halloween night in 1974. Kiki Dee opened for him. :)

- What was the last concert you attended?
Rhett Miller in Boston this year.

- Who was the best band to see live?
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, without question.

- What was your LIFE CHANGING concert you attended?
Life changing? Okay, actually, sort of! Pete Seeger in 1979. And then ...I was in a 'bad girl' phase when I saw U2 for the third time (in May of 1983 in New York) and that particular concert knocked me right back into social activism. Third life changing concert? Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy during a Central Park Tribute to Woody Guthrie in 1992.

- Have you ever gotten anything from a band?
God, too much to count. Back in the day, I was...friendly with a lot of bands (No, not a groupie! *g*)

- Who was the worst band to see live?
Um...Harry and the Potters? (*apologizes to all the Wizard Wrock fans on my f'list* I think I'm too old to appreciate them these days or something)

- How long was the longest concert you've attended?
Springsteen in Berkeley, 1979. 5 1/2 hour concert.

- How short was the shortest concert you've attended?
I'm really not sure, to be honest. I keep mixing up single-band concerts with multiple band/performer extravaganzas.

- What is the worse thing to buy at a concert?

- What is the best thing to buy at a concert?
Tapes/CD's - especially from relatively little-known performers who don't usually make a lot of sales.

- Have you ever worn a band shirt to the same band your seeing live?

- How long was the longest drive to a concert you attended?
Three hours, I suppose.

- How short was the shortest drive to a concert you attended?
In the early eighties, there were five major concert venues within a ten block radius of my apartment.

- Do you like seats or the pit better?
The pit when I was a kid, then seats, now...a table with waiter service. :)

- What is the most annoying thing at the concert?
The line for the bathrooms.

- Indoor or Outdoor concerts?
Almost always indoor.

- Day or Night concerts?
Almost always night.

- Small shows or Big shows?
Almost always small show (although there's something to be said about huge, insane arena shows, every once in a while)

- What is the best season for a concert?
Irrelevant...unless it's an outdoor show, of course.

- Do you frame your ticket stubs?
I don't frame them, but I still have almost all of them, sitting in a box (I'm sort of a packrat)

- How many concerts have you been to?
200? 250? I honestly have no idea.

- How old were you when you went to your first concert?
7, with my family. 14, with friends only.

- What is the farthest you've been to a band?
I went up to Toronto from New York a few times to see the Clash, and from Minneapolis to Chicago to see the Jam.

- Have you ever stage-dived?

- Have you ever moshed?
Unwillingly, yes. :)

- Have you ever crowd surfed?

- Do you still have your ticket stubs?

- Have you ever snuck into a concert?
I used to on occasion. And I definitely snuck backstage...all the time.

- Have you ever stolen anything at a concert?
Other than playlists, no.

- What concert do you really want to go to?
David Cook? *g*

- What concert are you planning to go to?
Nothing, at the moment.

- What band have you seen most in concert?
I've seen Iggy Pop, Tom Robinson, The Clash, Springsteen, Billy Joel, Elvis Costello, and U2 about a half-dozen times each.
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