Semi Live Blogging for SGA: Episode 5.09

Sep 19, 2008 22:00

And in week nine...


  • Keller: "The more, the merrier, right?"
    LOL! Ronon/Keller/McKay = OT3

  • Interesting that Ronon and Rodney both default to calling her "Jennifer" as soon as she goes missing.

  • Why is it that all the characters on this show (*looks at mystery kidnapper*) dress like actions figures? Also...did it seem to any of you that Ronon was pretty intrigued by the fact that Kidnap!Boy was "about his size?" *g*

  • Eeek! Run, Rodney...Run! God, it's been so long since we've seen the team really threatened by a Wraith. And yay, it's Ronon to the rescue!

  • Dude...who is that kidnapper guy who can, um, Apparate? Also, LoL at Rodney "Sir, ma'am, um...she has a moustache!"

  • Rodney was an EAGER BEAVER! He still has the SCOUTING FOR BEAVERS manual!

  • Rodney shot a Wraith...while bootless!

  • Awww...Kiryk made a dolly! (and who is it that Jennifer knows who just "pretends to be mean?" Rodney? Ronon? Do they seem mean to you?)

  • Oh noes! Little Girl dessert for the Wraith! Yay, Jennifer saved the day (man, all the non-warriors are getting their battle stripes tonight)

  • Yay, for turning off the tracking device, Keller! for turning off the tracking device.

  • Last week, I was all turned on by Teyla with her weapon at Todd's throat. This week, I'm all turned on my Ronon and Kiryk with their weapons at each other's throats. I'm beginning to be concerned about the veracity of my claims to be a pacifist.

  • A few sparring lessons, Jennifer? Sheesh!

  • I'll bet Kiryk just dialed a fraudulent gate address (like...into a vaccum). *sniffles*

  • Rodney: "I need to know your intentions."
    Ronon: "Intentions?"
    Rodney: "With Jennifer."
    Ronon: "Oh. I don't have any intentions."
    Rodney: "Good."
    Ronon: "Wait...what do you mean by intentions."
    Rodney: "Are you interested in her in a romantic way?"
    Ronon: "No."
    Rodney: "Good."
    Ronon: "Wait. Maybe I do."
    (honestly, Ronon's little smirk at the end made it look more like he wanted to eat Rodney up with a spoon!)

    (*is avoiding thinking about the Men Folk planning their "may the best man win" game with the Little Lady as the winner's prize so as not to be annoyed with the episode*)
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