Ransacked Update 3/21/12

Mar 21, 2012 22:31

Well this week is Spring Break, so we haven't had much going on. We did have a rehearsal with the actors at the location we'll be shooting and it was magical to see my characters come to life. I'm super excited to shoot on March 31st and April 1st!

We've been working on getting the storyboards done, which has been a task indeed. You'd think that's something easy and quick to get done, but it takes a lot of discussion, time, and collaboration. We spent 5 hours today working on storyboards and we STILL HAVEN'T finished! But we're almost done and hopefully we can finish them up before the shoot. I know we can, it's just with all of our busy schedules it's hard to get together.

Our IndieGoGo page got launched. IndieGoGo, for those of you who haven't heard of it, is a website that helps us raise money for our project. If we reach our goal, we will be able to take the money and use it towards our film, so if you're interested in supporting us and/or making a donation, please check out the page. I'll post the link below.

We will be having a production meeting and getting some of the final details done this Saturday, so hopefully it all goes smooth and we can iron out any kinks we have. Then we have our practice shoot on Monday, which will be cool to work with the whole cast and crew and get a feel of what it's going to be like on Saturday, I know it'll be fun and exciting!

Well that's all for now, thought I'd go ahead and update you all now that I have a bit of peace and quiet.

Ransacked IndieGoGo

update, student film, ransacked, short film

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