Better chemistry through living

May 28, 2012 22:32

The Memorial Day Cub Scout camping trip this weekend was AWESOME!! I have yet to send out a formal survey, but verbally every family has come to me to thank me for putting together such a great event. [If any friends want copies of the trip plans, let me know.]

The chemistry of the people worked really well, the boys mixed and played well together with positive guidance, the schedule seemed neither too rushed nor too relaxed. The meals were great. Lots of things happened well because of experience I gained through 11 years volunteering with the Girl Scouts. On those trips I didn't have to worry about caring for my own kids and family, and could concentrate on leading. It was extremely valuable to have all that experience this weekend, when I had to do a lot of leading as well as caring for my family. Luckily I was able to talk Jon into coming too. He helped quite a lot.

Amber's favorite part was "everything" followed by "sleeping in the tent." Peter's favorite part was "everything" followed by the skits (I think, I forgot what he said.)


leadership, camping, bs

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