Review of fic "Blue River" by humansrsuperior

Sep 09, 2011 17:02

To put it briefly the idea was to write a Doctor Who story with the 11th Doctor as a 1930's detective out to capture the con artist River Song, with Amy and Rory as his partners. Needless to say, I thought this was a fantastic idea, and harassed encouraged humansrsuperior to write it.  I even suggested the title "Blue River."  And I'm so glad I did.

Here's a link to the original post by humansrsuperior musing about whether he/she should write this fic. Along with an absolutely killer photo of Matt Smith in "detective" garb and fedora.

Below is my "first reactions" review of the finished fic. It was originally written as I read the story, and was intended as a personal email to the author, but I decided the story was just too good to keep my reactions to myself. Other readers needed to know how great this story was. This is still written in the form of a personal correspondence to the author, (mostly) so some things are addressed directly to him/her.

Prepare yourself, you're about to be mobbed with squee!

Review for "Blue River"

YES! You wrote it! (Jumps up and gives the “Score!” football sign.)  I just saw the title "Blue River" on my friends list!

*Happy Dance*

That was fast. I don't know how you managed to write a 10,000 word story so quick, it's only been two days. I know I couldn't do that. I've been working on a 6,000 word story for a month. Oh well, jealousy aside...

(And by the way, I just saw the youtube video your blog picture came from for the first time yesterday. Awesome! I hadn't ever seen that group before,[ although I'd heard that song on a Doctor Who youtube music video and liked it.] Interesting electronica and a cool gimmick with the "Cylon" helmets. I enjoyed it greatly. [It wasn't until I'd saved a copy of it that I saw your name on it and wondered if that was you. Then your banner here {on your site, as I read this story} confirmed it. Cool. I wasn't even looking for it deliberately. Serendipity works.])

I pulled out loads of quotes from your story, I loved them all so much I ran out of adjectives, they're in italics below, with my (admitedly repetetive but heartfelt) responses. They probably make more sense in context, but, here you go.

(For anybody who hasn't read this fic yet, you should probably read the story first, HUGE SPOILER WARNING!  I think I pulled out practically the whole story in quotes!) [I do this because I know writers like to know specifically what parts worked. I always prefer a detailed review so I know what I'm doing right.]

Here are my responses as I read the story:

"The bright blue paint of his car was a clear signal of who’d just arrived.”

Hah! Loved that Tardis blue car, nice touch.

Ooh, detective in the rain. Nice iconic image. Very atmospheric. Good way to set the scene and get us in “Detective movie” mode.

““It’s three in the morning!” he pointed out defensively.

“Yeah, for the rest of us too,” Rory reminded him.”

Snark! I LOLed!

“You were up working on another one of your projects, weren’t you?”

Rory knows him so well. (I have the feeling I’m going to be quoting this whole thing. Well, maybe I’ll do a shorter review for the comments and link to a longer one for you.)

“Then, clapping his hands together in excited anticipation,”

I could so see 11 in that! (I’d half expected you to write him as one of the dark brooding detective types. I think I’m happier you’re writing him cheerful, it’s so much him, and it’s a nice twist on the expected. Love it.)

YOW!  I LOVE it!  “Hello Sweetie” spelled out in museum artifacts. Oh, that’s gorgeous! I didn’t even expect it, but it’s perfect. They should do that in the series!

*Another Happy Dance*

“The moment both he and Rory were inside the DCI’s office, Bishop slammed the door“

Is that a reference to the Bishop in Time of Angels? Cool. (An ancestor no doubt. :D - At least, that’s how I’m going to envision him.)

(Oh that’s fantastic! The Doctor having to defend himself and explain “Sweetie.” I’m snorting with laughter. My co-workers probably think I’m on something. :D)

Oh Amy, Amy. I love Amy, especially the way you’ve written her. Always ribbing the Doctor. Him being all little-boy defensive. Pure gold.

You have got their character interactions down PERFECTLY. It is so incredibly easy to SEE them all in this. (Rory’s “You do cause trouble.” the  Doctor snatching the folder to change the subject. His, “Not on purpose!” Everything.)

Tossing the photos! Love it!

“and ordered an iced lemonade.“

Snort! :D

“The Doctor stared at her for a moment like he couldn’t quite believe she was there. It wasn’t often he saw her in broad daylight, doing something not criminal.”

Sneaky River. Love it, too.

“With the warm tickle of her breath and the brush of her hair, he tried not to shiver.”

Yeah, methinks the man doth protest too much. He loves it. Irritating or not.

“That night she’d both held him at gun point and kissed him. There was a first time for everything, he supposed. (At least she didn’t punch him and leave him to wake up handcuffed this time round. Although he genuinely wasn’t sure which he preferred.)“

Nice juxtaposition. It works in the TV series, and as something in the 1930’s.

“She looked caught between complete amusement and utter exasperation. She breathed deeply for a moment, catching her breath, before shaking her head. “I hate you.”

His smile widened a little, and he hopped off the barrel and announced, “No you don’t."

Yes, yes, yes! (I can really see River in that. Another nice juxtaposition too.)

“She blinked up at him, the picture of innocence. “With handcuffs and everything?”

“Yes,” he answered.

Her face lit up with a smile, and her voice was positively sultry. “How exciting!”

The implications dawned on him, and really, he should’ve known. His whole smug demeanor dropped instantly. “No, not like that-!”

Oh, perfect! River Song trying to be innocent is an interesting image. Somehow I can see it, although we’ve never actually seen it. Naughty woman. :)

“a drawn stick figure on the wall inside the vault at the recently-robbed-under-their-noses bank accompanied by the same words as always. “

I especially love this one. That transfers over wonderfully!

“The next time he actually met her again, she saved his life. That was a new one.

But she also drove his car, and he wasn’t very happy about that. Nobody was allowed to drive his car-nobody even really knew how, he’d made so many alterations to it. “

Love it!

Also, I think I’m really starting to love this Alternate Universe. The Doctor in his fedora, his blue car, the whole detective thing, the 1930’s atmosphere, I’d love to see more in this universe. Heck, I’d love to see someone do a really good graphic novel of this universe. That would be awesome. You’re really good with the descriptions, you don’t use a lot of words but you convey the atmosphere excellently.

“Oh, I really wish you hadn’t said that,” Rory lamented to his partner.“

You really do have Rory down pat.

“Rory shut his eyes, leaning his head back against the wall of metal. “We’re gonna die.”

ROFL! Rory saying they’re going to die! Not only is it pitch perfect, appropriate for the situation, and funny, it’s a great inside joke too! That works on so many levels. But most importantly... I’m rolling on the floor laughing. :D :D

I love, love, love that whole car scene. The entire thing was perfect! And this line is so perfectly, “little boy petulant” Doctor - ““If there are any bullet holes, I’m holding you responsible!” “


I would pay money to see Alex Kingston, as River, driving a car hell-bent for leather in some episode! Call Moffat!

“Her mouth was soft, and she tasted like honey and rain. He could smell her perfume, where his nose was pressed into her cheek. His heart calmed, and his hand came to settle ever so gently on her shoulder.“

Ooh, sexy! And another perfect parallel.

You know, all these parallels could get tiresome, but you are writing them so beaufitully, and fitting them so perfectly into the story and setting that they just seem natural. That’s talent. And beautiful.

“The Doctor definitely gave Rory a betrayed expression, and Rory tried to defend himself. “I didn’t say it like that.”

Again, more wonderfully perfect character interaction.

(Frankly, I’m enjoying this more than I have a lot of actual Doctor Who episodes.)

““Right,” he lunged up to his feet, his chair scooting back from the force of it. “I’m going for tea. You two,” he pointed back and forth between Rory and Amy, “are not invited.” “

Hah! I wasn’t expecting him to say that, but it’s perfect. Again.

“River Song was standing right in the middle of CID, of her own free will, unknown to security.“

I’m in love. This fic is Fantastic! That word isn’t strong enough. Ugh! I’m beyond the happy dancing stage. Now I’m into obsessed.

“He considered her, staring at her intently, and she never flinched, meeting his gaze equally. Finally, he looked down at the envelope, and slowly reached out to take it. “Just because I’m taking this doesn’t mean I trust you,” he told her, voice low and gravelly.“

That is a classic River/Doctor interaction.

“She swallowed visibly, and reached out to take his hand. He went very still at that, glancing down at their hands. “Doctor,” she began, and stepped nearer to him, her voice a low tremble, “You need to leave. Right now. Don’t ask any questions, just leave. For your own sake."

The plot thickens.

“he turned just in time to see her disappearing around a corner at the end of a long hallway.”

Ooh, another iconic image. Just a glimpse of the mysterious lady disappearing around a corner. :D

Ooh.... Good kiss. That whole scene. Hubba.

“He awoke to a lot of fuzzy white brightness and one Amy Pond staring down awfully close at him. He blinked, and then again, confused. Why was he waking up?“

Yet, another, great juxtaposition.

“River Song killed him. Almost. And then she saved him. That meant something. Something important. He’d think on it later, and maybe go and visit her in prison.

He was looking forward to it. “

Oh, dammit! I want more, NOW! (Ignore me, I’m greedy, but you should definitely continue this when you can. )

I have to say, this was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever read. Every little thing about it was perfect. The characters were exactly spot on. You managed to write a completely original story and make it a weird “alternate reality” of what we already know.

I wasn’t kidding when I said I enjoyed this more than a lot of the actual TV series. And if there’s anyone out there who wants to do a comic book of it, I would totally buy a copy. I think it would be amazing.

You are a fantastic writer! How come I haven’t read any of your stuff before?! Where is it? Have you done more Doctor Who stories? Where are they? Do you have a list?

I’m jazzed now.

This is just a short review, I don’t want to take up your entire comments section with the full one, I’m sure there are other readers who want to get on here and squee about this.

I’ve put the full review here at my Livejournal site “Doctor Who Adventures.” I put it under a “friends only” tag, so you’ll have to friend me to see it. But I wanted to give you the full. “OMG! This is so amazing!” review. You can read it here.

I’m definitely going to be pimping this story around. Everyone needs to read this.

P.S. I’m incredibly proud that I had even the smallest thing to do with this fic by suggesting the title. I’m so, so glad you wrote this.

review, 11th doctor, blue river, humansrsuperior

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