recently i've been playing
urban dead, since it's free and also brains. i have a few characters, such as electronaut, bureaucromancer, and juicybrains, which are either holed up or have holes in their heads, and so forth.
but it's all rather amusing...zombies and brains and things. it gets into my head such that i have zombie dreams. my third such dream involved fake guns for the second time. empty airsoft electric m9's modded to full auto do wonders against zombie hordes i tell you, except they did seem to run out and it's hard to reload guns which have no ammo in them. it is also nice to get to reset when you get killed, but something something can't remember still better than dancing a polka.
anyway. zombie-proofing your house is probably a good plan. also your city. also your booooooth. kgb is doing roanoke colony for booth this year, which is a squishy idea and all until you add zombies, which the fine organization has naturally done. i don't know, but i am thinking we are doomed to using papier mâché if we ever want to win again. booo, *sa, booo.