Story Title: Moments of Comfort
Series Title: Matrix Legends
Pairings/Characters: Steve, Logan, Tony (mention), Loki (mention)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slight Language
Timeline: Set in the Avengers movie-verse
Notes: Inspired by my Tumblr photoset and a scene from the Avengers trailer.
Tumblr Link: STEVE ROGERS and LOGAN STARK -- Moments of Comfort
“You know…punching that bag isn’t gonna make you feel any better…”
Logan Stark finally took a step into the room after watching Steve Rogers beating the hell out of the bag.
“Yeah well, there’s really no one else I can punch can I?” Anger and bitterness filled Steve’s voice, “This was all my fault.”
“Oh come on Steve, that was hardly your fault!”
“Isn’t it?” A sharp glare from the tall blond froze the young dark-haired teen in his place, “I let this happen, I should have been man enough to let it go, but instead I let my own pride get in the way of protecting him. We’re a team, if we don’t watch each other’s backs, then who will?”
Logan sighed as he moved to take a step closer to the older man, “Look Steve, if we’re a team, then it’s all our faults for not being there. You beating yourself up isn’t going to change what happened, so why not focus your energy on swinging that punch at the person who really deserves it…Loki…"
It breaks Logan’s heart to see the tall proud Captain America now looking so exhausted and defeated, but Logan knew he couldn’t let Steve wallow in a guilt that shouldn’t be his to bear. They all got careless, they all messed up, but as long as they stick together, they can get through this.
Putting a hand on Steve’s shoulder, Logan’s blue eyes locked onto Steve’s,“Tony’s tough, he’ll be back on his feet mouthing off to people in no time. Some Asgard God tossing him out the window isn’t going to put him off his stride. If he fought back from those 3 months of captivity, he can fight back from this. Just don’t give up on him.”
Seeing the light returning to Steve’s eyes made Logan smile, he sure as hell wasn’t going to let his team, his family, be in pain.
“You’re right…you’re right…” Steve nodded as small gentle grin broke across his face and he reached out and ruffled Logan’s hair, “Thanks kid.”