(no subject)

Oct 02, 2011 08:14

Yes, I'm still alive ... just swamped with RL. But I'm trying to get back over here.

I've (hang on) cancelled my TV and have gone totally online for viewing. So any recs for new shows to (try to find and) watch would be much appreciated. I'm having a ball watching old shows, movies, and some current shows (albeit a little later than the nights they air), but I don't really know what's new. So please let me know what your favorites are so I can check them out.

Also, any recs for watching TV online? I tend to live on Sidereel.com .. haven't forked out cash for anything other than Netflix. Let me know if you know of something better than Sidereel or if you think one of the charge sites is the cat's meow.

Today, I'm off to go visit "my" baby squirrel today. Found him on the ground in the forest (I was hiking out at the state park that's down the road from me) covered by bees (we think they were attracted by the smell of milk), so there was no way I could walk away without saving him. The ranger and I spent 30 minutes in the office learning how to care for him since the Wildlife Rehabilitator they normally use was unavailable. He was maybe two weeks old when I found him, and (after living on the internet to learn how best to feed one that tiny - they can aspirate very easily) I fed him (very carefully) every two hours for five days until I could find another rehabber who could take him. So now I'm a "sub-licensee", which means I can legally have rescued wildlife for a short time before having to turn it over to a licensed rehabber. I'll be attending my first requisite course later this month. How cool is that?!

And yeah, I'll post some pix of "Valentino" one of these days, because he's way too adorable not to share. As for his name? Well, he's the squirrel who fell to Earth ... Michael Valentine Smith ... hence, Valentino. :^D


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