[Do you know what happens when a dragon riding, Viking girl wakes up in a strange house? A great deal of momentary panic and flailing before she jumps out of bed and is in fight mode. With no weapons or the like nearby, when she reaches the kitchen she finds a knife and frying pan.
Well, hey, these will do just fine.
Slowly she leaves the house
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Good morning, miss.
[Astrid? There is a sword at his hip. It is a very large sword. Wat do?]
Ignoring the greeting.]
Where'd you get the sword?
I forged it a few weeks ago. I find it unwise to be without a weapon in this town.
Mind telling me where this forge is so I can get one?
[Although the word 'mind' is used, it's sharp enough not to appear quite like a request.]
And what would you do with it, once you obtained it?
Keep it? [Shifting frying pan and knife.] These are pretty useless.
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