State of the pups

Feb 23, 2011 00:29

Character: Raphael thebadturtle
Canon: TMNT
General: Raphael is happy. HOLY SHIT MAN. That's huge. Like, enormously huge -- in fact, once he gets pretty secure, he'll probably be swept out for a canon up date (which I need to discuss with Leo and Mike). In the mean time, he's got two jobs, he's got a girlfriend and he's the closest to stable that he has ever been. Of course, this means something has to shake his tree a little, but I'm not looking to trauma him up anytime soon.
Needs Threads With: Mike, Leo, Steph, Mia, Cop Folk, Kurt for some troublemaking, and... I'm not sure who else, but I'm wiiiiiiide open.

Character: Hellboy crownedwithfire
Canon: Hellboy
General: Hellboy's had a lot happen, which is a huge change. Anung Un Rama has been called up -- on accident -- by the Weave, he's made some new friends and enemies, and sort of briefly appointed himself as both Kerai and Jason Todd's caretaker. He's a Boy Scout at heart-- wanting to help everybody he can, as he can. He also had his first date in nearly thirty years, and it only really reminds him of how lonely he is. But he's a very old fashioned guy -- and the kids these days, with their mutable affections and their easy sex and.. yeah, he feels like a fossil. A lonely, giant, red fossil. But the shelter and taking care of folks who are not his own helps a little bit, keeps him connected and grounded.
Needs Threads With: Batfamily, in all likelyhood, Jason Todd, Kerai, Chuck maybe, more PD per handwavey addition to the 'special what the shit was that' unit.

Character: Severus Snape bestunrevealed
Canon: Harry Potter
General: Snape's terribly conflicted and has no idea what to do with himself. His frustration with Narcissa's reappearance at the worst time, Draco becoming a whore, feeling as it really was necessary to distance himself from Draco to let him know that there was'family' and then wthere was 'condoning cowardly bullshit' and which Snape falls upon and... Lily. Oh man, so much conflict over Lily. He's in love! He's always been in love! He knew it would never be easy. But he just can't shake the apprehension that this is all going to go terribly wrong and he's going to be punished, somehow, for taking what was offered freely and fucking up his own timeline somewhere down the road. Snape is a paranoid man, though, so nobody should really be surprised that EVEN NOW he cannot allow himself to be totally happy.
Needs Threads With: Lily, Draco, Narcissa, magical students, people who need someone to piss them off royally, Vianne...

Character: Tiffany Aching hagothehills
Canon: Discworld: Tiffany Aching books
General: Tiffany's new, shiny, and adjusting. She's finding that the village's economy is not too friendly to her needs, but she's already got work lined up and is satisifed with that. She's pleased at working at the Ribbon, though I suspect some conflicts may arrise with her common sense, no bullshit attitude... especially with Ruby's addition.
Needs Threads With: Everyone who needs a witch - the elderly, the young, the infirm, and obviously the very pregnant; Juliet and James especially. Everybody at the Ribbon or who frequents it, really. Mike, so she can learn to use a stove to utmost effencieny. Kent farms folk.

Character: Spock sonof2worlds
Canon: Star Trek (NuTrek)
General: One of the most frustrating of characters, Spock needs to get out more. He is antisocial due to not gelling with humans anymore then he gelled with Vulcans, but without something to ground him - a mission, a duty, something - he doesn't 'drift' as well as say Kirk or McCoy.
Needs Threads With: Scientists, Nerd, Geeks, etc - we need more work for the green blooded hobgoblin, etc.

Character: Hiro Nakamura supaahiro
Canon: Heroes
General: I need to jumpstart him, and bad. Hiro has never been really connected, and while he's had bursts of heroism, little has come of it. He's a bit too content, and without Ando to get him into trouble or Charlie to inspire him, he's -- well, stagnant. Need to shake him out of the funk.
Needs Threads With: EVeryone who loves nerds. Comics. Geeks. Other heroes who might need time stopped. Etc.

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