Yet Another SOTM post.

Feb 05, 2010 12:55

Character: Severus Snape Character LJ: bestunrevealed
Canon: Harry Potter

General: Unhappy. One by one everybody he has given a damn about is gone. Oh, sure others filter in, but the loss stings and he's never dealt with it well. Wants out desperately, but not on the village's terms. Wants to live again.
Needs threads with: Albus, Draco, anyone who can stand to be with him for more then five minutes.

Character: Hiro Nakamura Character LJ: supaahiro
Canon: Heroes

General: Just got back from a long absence. Is coming to terms with his own mortality and his inabilty to change what he wants to change. Going to be in for a shock.
Needs threads with: Charlie, Mikey, heroes' pups, etc.

Character: Raphael Character LJ: thebadturtle
Canon: TMNT Mirage Comic Canon

General: Also miserable. Shaken up; losing Marcone bothered him. Jax coming and going weirdly put him off. The coach going has his head hung low. But Max's issues with coming and returning a blank slate have pretty much broken the guy's ability to trust anybody in the village at this point, and now he's pretty damn hard to play. He's pretty much waiting for the last of his friends to vanish completely or come back space aliens or something at this point. Avoidant, untrusting, probably going to be mean for a while. Which is why he hasn't gotten any posts lately.
Needs threads with: No idea. He's gone very dangerously quiet.

Character: Penelope Wilhern Character LJ: hideouspiggirl
Canon: Penelope

General: All the people SHE thread with are gone. (See a pattern here?) Haven't beena ble to break her out of that; youth culture in the village is at a minimum unless you're looking to get high and screw a lot, so... Yeah. She may be getting retired in the near future, which is sad.
Needs threads with: Got me.

Character: Hellboy Character LJ: crownedwithfire
Canon: Hellboy

General: Content, actually. He's okay with how things are, but Hellboy's okay with everyhing so long as nazis or demons aren't involved. Could use some plot and more socialization, but other then that he's coasting along. But then he doesnt' get close enough to folks to really get hurt anymore, unlike the rest of the pup-cast.
Needs threads with: Anybody who wants him?
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