(no subject)

Nov 19, 2009 23:54

ahhh I seriously don't know how I got through this week.

last night was my presentation in my workshop class, and it went pretty well. I jumped over some things and got lost in one of my points and kind of rambled, but the discussion was good and everyone was engaged, and I think I put a lot of work into my handout, so it was okay. I was just glad it came together in the end and was organized, I was freaking out.

The night before, tuesday, my short story was due, and I was seriously working on it up until five minutes before class started. I ended up just printing all 15 copies of my 11 page story off my own printer, since I didn't even have time to go make copies. Just, overworked as usual. No sleep and too many hours of work and so much freaking schoolwork. I had my final for my editing class due wednesday too, at 4pm, I had to get off work 15 mins early so I could finish it, after staying at the library until 1am the night before.

But ah, now I can breathe. I went to work today at 10, hoorah! I was so excited for just 2 more hours of sleep. And I was there late when all the managers leave, and the GM put me in charge! He told me everything to do for the night and told everyone to listen to me! I felt sooo awesome that he put me in charge. It was so fun and chill the last few hours, we just put on bad 90s music and danced around, and customers gave us looks, haha. I love that bunch. mornings are so stressful and that stupid bitchy manager makes everyone miserable and blahhh, now that I see how fun it could be I want to get off mornings, haha.

Oh, so you know what I can home to today? My roommate, with swine flu. Yeah. So, I don't know how I'm going to avoid getting that. We freaking share a house! Me and the other girls went to the store and bought a crap of disinfection stuff, so here's to hoping I don't come on next week and tell you all I have swine flu. And I was just thinking a few weeks ago how I was lucky that I didn't know anyone in my immediate life that had come in contact with swine flu. Bah. And break is in four days, and I'm looking forward to going home so freakin much. I really hope I can avoid this and go home.

In some non-stress related things, I've been catching up on all seasons on American Dad, and I freakin love that show so much. And playing all things Zelda - I beat a link to the past on my gameboy again, and I downloaded ocarina of time for my N64, I'm so excited to play that and majora's mask, over break.

I'm also doing bandom rare pair, and my posting date is Nov 28! So look for my story to be posted then, it's a fun idea :) Jeez idk how I fit that into my load, but I didn't want to drop out.

phew, I always feel like my entries are a lot, but I don't have much other time to sit and get this all out.
also, so jealous if you're seeing new moon tonight, I'm going to see it with my sister over break, and reread the book over break first. so next week! I'll be back with thoughts :)

real life, work, new moon, tv, i guess this is growing up, grad school

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