Let's kick this year's meme off with a bang with our first activity, ICON REMAKE!
How to Play
→ Pick an icon you made from sometime in 2017.
→ Choose one or more elements of the icon that you want to remake.
→ Do it!
→ Post the before and after for everyone to admire!
Are there Rules?
→ You may only pick an icon that YOU made (nobody else)
→ The icon has to have been posted some time in 2017.
→ How you choose to remake it is up to you. You can use the same cap, the same kind of crop or color scheme, the same emotion you were going for. It is up to you to define what "remake" means!
→ Feel free to explain your thought process when you post the icons!
→ You make remake as many icons as you wish, but each new batch of remakes should be given its own thread.
→ Have fun!
Extra Challenge
Want something a little more challenging or hate going through your old icons looking for one to remake? We can do that.
→ Post a thread with a link to your icon journal (and maker tag if you use a shared journal) and the words "HIT ME" somewhere in the body or the subject.
→ Other people pick the icon for you to remake.
→ If you do not want people hot linking, you must let them know in your HIT ME comment! Otherwise hotlinking is allowed.
→ See what you can do, following the same guidelines as above!
→ Post your results, either in your HIT ME thread or a new comment mentioning that it was a HIT ME challenge.
When Will It End?!
When the rest of the winners are posted, I'll pull together all the icons made for this activity and put together a shiny post containing all of them!
https://bestof-icons.livejournal.com">![](<a href="https://images2.imgbox.com/5b/96/TQoY9rHs_o.png" class="external">https://images2.imgbox.com/5b/96/TQoY9rHs_o.png</a>)
https://bestof-icons.livejournal.com/51408.html">ICON REMAKE - JOIN IN! | MY THREAD Are You Done Yet?
All done! Go play!