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Mar 30, 2020 00:39

AGE: 18
IM: AIM: zapperofevil

FANDOM: The Dresden Files
CHRONOLOGY: The end of Changes, seconds before he’s shot.
CLASS: Hero, fo’ shizzle.
SUPERHERO NAME: Captain Awesome
ALTER EGO: Harry Dresden, private investigator

Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, Chicago’s only professional wizard, is the son of a witch and a stage magician in a world which, while like ours to the mundy folks, has all sorts of supernatural nasties brewing below the surface. Fae, sorcerers, necromancers, demons, vampires (ranging from Black Court zombies to Red Court bloodsuckers to White Court succubi), ghosts and of course wizards…Harry’s met them all and fought most of them. They are all linked to the Never Never, a dimension overlaying ours which is basically faerieland. With a LOT of monsters.
His mother died when he was born, leaving him to the tender care of his father. Until his father keeled over from a brain aneurysm when Harry was six. He spent a few years bouncing around as a ward of the state until, shortly after his powers appeared, he was taken in by Justin DuMorne, a wizard who trained him brutally and harshly. Also under Justin’s debateable care was Harry’s first love, Elaine, with whom he shared everything (including certain teenage things that we’ll try to not think about). At least until Harry was sixteen, when it turned out DuMorne had mind-controlled Elaine and would quite like to do the same to Harry. Harry did not approve, and in the resulting magical conflagration, Justin was killed and Elaine vanished.
Harry was hauled up in front of the White Council, the wizard’s governing body, on charges of breaking the first law of magic; Thou Shalt Not Kill (an automatic death penalty applies for breaking the laws of magic). However, to the resentment of much of the old guard, and thanks to the interference of one Ebenezer McCoy, he was allowed to live, on the basis of it having been self-defence, and was instead put under the Sword of Damocles, a sort of magical probation, and went to live with McCoy, who taught him to control his magic.
Fast forward a decade or so, and Harry’s living as an extremely underfunded professional wizard in Chicago, mostly doing little PI-type jobs, finding lost objects and so on. He’s got a talking skull named Bob in the underbasement, a giant grey cat, and a hell of a lot of bills to pay. The crazy that is his life today starts here, relatively small-scale to begin with. I say small-scale, small-scale here means only TWO people are trying to kill him; an amateur warlock with a grudge and Warden Morgan of the White Court, who has a deep and unshiftable hate for Harry and is convinced he’s the bad guy. But with his best friend Karrin Muphy (lieutenant, SI unit, CPD), Harry makes RELATIVELY short work of that baddie and convinces the Council of his innocence.
You’ll notice I keep using the word relatively, because after that the shit hitting the fan only gets larger and poopier (by the point he’s ‘ported, it’s probably elephant dung hitting the fan). Six months later, it’s several different types of werewolves trying to kill him, which he escapes by the skin of his teeth, allying with a pack of teenage werewolves called the Alphas. On the plus side, he gets a girlfriend out of the whole sordid affair, a reporter named Susan Rodriguez. Which is awesome, except the next year the SERIOUS shit starts to approach the fan blades; there are vampires, Red, White and Black after Harry, Murphy and another of his allies, the holy knight and all round sickeningly good guy, Michael. Ok, so again looking on the bright side, he makes friends with Thomas Raith of the White Court, but on the slightly sucky side, Red Court vamps kidnap his girlfriend and half-turn her. Yay. After she’d traded all her memories of their love to keep him safe from his psycho faerie godmother Leanansidhe. Even more yay.
Speaking of fae, if we fast forward a couple more years, turns out Lea’s sold her claim on Harry to the faerie queen Mab, which, long story short, puts him in the pay of the faerie Winter Court, as well as allowing him to find out Elaine’s alive if slightly unhinged, and also gains him an army of midgety faerie minions under the control of one Toot-toot, all of whom will work happily for pizza in the name of ‘Za Lord Dresden.
Few more months go past, more shit happens, this time with some deliciously powerful and evil fallen angels, tl;dr, Harry ends up with one stuck in his head for a while, trying to tempt him to EEEEVIL, as well as adding a few more powerful enemies to his collection; in case the Queens of TWO vampire courts and the King of the third, half the wizard community, the entire warlock community, a big chunk of the fae and half the CPD weren’t enough, he’s now also got some of the world’s most powerful demons to contend with. He has got a magic (ok, holy) sword, though. Several vampires, a porn movie, an internal affairs investigation, a battle with the Erlking, a napalm-seared hand, a hell of a lot of zombies, a reanimated T-rex, a bunch of flying purple gorillas hurling flaming poop and two years later, he’s also up by a giant temple dog named Mouse, a few new friends and, oh yeah, a brother. Turns out Thomas is actually Harry’s half-brother; Harry’s mother had a bit of a thing with the White King before she got together with Malcolm Dresden.
So stuff happens, and Harry gains an apprentice, Michael’s daughter Molly, who’s kind of a brat with a massive crush on Harry, but being Harry he turns down hot teenage girlflesh despite a like six year dry spell. Go figure. Anyway, since he yoinked her out from the White Council, much as Ebenezer did for him, he’s back under the Sword of Damocles as well as her. Plus she’s a brat. But she does make him breakfast. Still, it kind of ties his hands when further shit hits the fan, like, you know, manipulating the entire White Court to put Thomas’ sister in power and get rid of ONE enemy (finally), plus getting the voice in his head to sacrifice herself to save him (-TWO enemies, he’s on a roll!) plus he gets a new girlfriend (+1 love life and an end to the world’s longest dry spell).
Only then it totally turns out that there are traitors everywhere and everything’s going to shit and the White Council is being manipulated from within, and Harry’s girlfriend Luccio was only with him because of brainwashing, and everybody’s trying to kill him again, plus he loses his brother, almost loses Molly and Mouse, loses Morgan, comes pretty close to losing Murphy, and basically there is a universal law that says that Harry can’t be happy or something. Because just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, Susan turns up out of the blue that autumn saying hi, lover I haven’t seen for nearly eight years, your daughter’s been kidnapped. So yeah, not only does he HAVE a daughter, which is pretty much a giant wtf, he also has to go save her from the Red Court dicks who took her. In the process of which he loses his BELOVED car (VW Bug, most battered car of ever, seen him through the entire series so far, known as the Blue Beetle), his staff, his office, his apartment, Susan (who goes full-on vamp so must be ended), his leather duster (which he loved, don’t mock), Murphy’s job, his FREEDOM (he’s got to be the goddamn Knight of the Winter Court now) and pretty much everything ever. Did I mention he has a six-year-old daughter he knew jack shit about and, five minutes after meeting her for the first time, has to send her away so even he doesn’t know where she is, to keep her safe? Yeah, lot of stuff to take in. For three day’s work that’s pretty good going.
So he’s standing on the edge of the boat where he’s meant to be living now, trying to process all this overload of shit, when boom. He’s imPorted.
He’s not going to be in the best of moods when he arrives.

Harry makes for an interesting contrast between the classic chivalrous knight in shining armour (he’s nice to kids, polite to women, generally a gentlemen) and the snarky bastard in grubby trenchcoat (well, technically leather duster). Always with one foot in the light and one in the dark, Harry’s a puzzle. He can be a bit slow, but in the time-honoured private investigator manner, he always gets there in the end, usually in the nick of time.
He snarks a lot, and he can be downright terrifying when he’s pissed off, but his heart’s very much in the right place, and he’s always ready to risk life and limb for the people he cares about. Or the vulnerable people. Or, really, anyone, in the end, because he can’t just watch someone die. Ok, unless they’ve really pissed him off. He’s not above zapping bad guys into oblivion. He’s basically a little ball of cynical rage half the time, but that’s really where it’s odd, because though he wears his sarcasm and anger like a shield, he cares so deeply.
Unfortunately, subtlety is not his strong point, which is probably a good reason why he makes so many enemies. He doesn’t get on too well with authority figures, or, particularly, with people trying to kill him. And it takes a special kind of dumb to put yourself in the phonebook under “wizard” in this day and age. Charitably, you could call it bluntness. Uncharitably, probably pig-headed stupidity.
He’s an oddly gentlemanly person, in many ways. He won’t ever have sex outside a committed relationship (hell, his iron will has stood up against faerie glamour and White Court wiles) or hurt a woman if he can help it (although this attitude has been relaxed a lot since so many women started trying to hurt him. He’s a sucker for a damsel in distress, but won’t take advantage; he always pays back his debts and he’s the most loyal friend you’ll ever have.
Murphy puts it well. He’s the best kind of crazy.

Magic, from big boomy fiery spells to little complicated fiddly tracking spells, although without his props it’s much harder to direct. Anti-power of sorts; techno-death. His form of magic plays havoc with anything more techy than a 50s telephone. He has been known to explode hard drives by standing next to them.
Wizard Sight, allowing him to see the flow of magical energies and also enabling a soulgaze; on making eye contact, he gets a glimpse of your soul, but you’ll get a look at his in return.

COMMUNITY POST (FIRST PERSON) SAMPLE: This apartment isn’t my apartment. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great apartment, but it’s not my apartment. My apartment wasn’t the Ritz or anything, but it was mine. I happen to like my chairs to be so squishy and old they could swallow you without trace, thank you so much. It’s called character.
Then again, it’s not like I have an apartment back home any more, so I guess this beats the Water Beetle for comfort.
It could be cozy, I guess. Once I start filling it with crap. And put some candles in, since I already bust the lightbulb. Once a few stampeding hordes of zombies try to force their way in once or twice, and I get some bits of demon on the wall, it’ll feel almost like home.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: Harry wasn’t great at relaxing, just at this point in his life. So perhaps he made a point of reminding the Grasshopper back home that “May you live in interesting times” was a curse in some cultures, but right now, interesting times were what he needed to distract him from the insane mess that was his life. You’d think getting transported to some strange new world would be pretty distracting, but it was just more crap that needed pushing from his mind.
He’d rented an office. That wasn’t a big deal. But looking through the papers and the media, he was getting the distinct impression that advertising himself as a wizard was going to get him into a lot more trouble here than it did back in his Chicago. Eventually, after not too much thinking, he’d settled on a job as a private investigator. The money on his dog tags should get him started afresh here.
So now he sat in his new office, with a new (relatively) vintage phone all hooked up and ready to be called, and new ads in the papers. He sat behind his new desk, which wasn’t nearly enough like the old desk, stared at his new glass door which lacked the “Harry Dresden, Wizard” lettering of his old door, and decided to suck it up, put on his big girl panties and deal with this crazy place until he could figure out how to get home.
It could be ok, right? At least nobody was trying to kill him here. That he knew of.



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