RP for osborn_heir

May 29, 2008 14:41

Jean had given them her tacit approval so Logan has no qualms about meeting Harry Osborn and showing him around the Danger Room. He didn't know exactly what the kid wanted out of this meeting. Lorna had been pretty vague when she'd mentioned the idea. Something about anger management. Well, Logan's pretty good with managing anger (he should have an ( Read more... )

harry, rp

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osborn_heir May 29 2008, 22:29:24 UTC
The original plan was to head to Gotham after his therapy appointment on Friday morning. By the time Wednesday rolled around Harry came to the conclusion he needed to speak with his addictions specialist before Friday. One good thing about being a member of the pretty boy elite was that psychiatrists made house calls. He spent two hours pouring our his fears about the cravings he'd been having lately. By the time the doctor left it was decided they would be meeting three mornings a week, and would look into appropriate meetings for Harry to attend to help ensure he didn't actually slip up ( ... )


bestdamnxman May 30 2008, 00:00:28 UTC

Never one to waste words, Logan nods a hello. He'd watched the car pull up, watched Harry walking up. You can learn a lot about a man by just paying attention. Lot of tension hidden behind the kid's easy manner. Held himself bit rigid, likely a product of his privileged life. Proud. And wound up. Huh.

Logan drops the cigar, snuffs it with a quick step and holds out a hand.


He says. Not his given name, but the name he's known longer than most people are alive.


Truth. Kid looks like this'll work. May even be -- fun.


osborn_heir May 30 2008, 00:08:55 UTC
"Harry. The pleasure is mine. I really do appreciate you taking the time to do this." He's polite. Also a product of that privileged life. Underneath all of the other stuff there is a society boy at heart. He actually likes socializing and getting to know people. He took his mother's place at putting people at ease when they visited the Osborn home.

His father said that he could work a room just as Emily Osborn had. It was both compliment and insult. His father was very good at twisting words into both.

"There are some things you should be aware of before we do this, but I'd prefer if I could explain it to you somewhere private."

It's not the deepest darkest secret he has, but he is still Norman's son. He will try and protect his father as much as possible even nearly five years after his death. Of course, he realizes, there is a chance Logan already knows. Mike could have told him. There are some people who seem to know more about Norman and Harry Osborn than Harry knows himself.

Alternate dimensions are weird.


bestdamnxman May 30 2008, 00:57:45 UTC
Again, Logan nods. And leads Harry into the mansion. He considers giving the kid a nickel and dime tour guide speech, like the one given him oh so long ago, but wonders that it's worth the effort. It's not that Logan doesn't know the history, it's not that he doesn't care -- in his way, he absolutely does -- but he's not a tour guide and Osborn isn't here to get a tour. So, he stays mostly quiet ( ... )


osborn_heir May 30 2008, 01:21:53 UTC
He doesn't need the tour. He's willing to take it, but he doesn't need it. Harry isn't one of them. He's not special or naturally possessing enhanced abilities. At best he's a Science experiment gone wrong, and at worst he's an addict with no sense of self-preservation who took a chance with his life because he simply stopped caring about the consequences. The truth is he's some weird combination of both. Except when he's not so angry and close to the edge he does care about the consequences. He doesn't want to die. He just doesn't know how to live correctly ( ... )


bestdamnxman May 30 2008, 02:27:39 UTC
Logan takes it all in, arms crossed, unmoving. He likes blunt. Kid talks a lot but he got to the point, didn't pussyfoot around making excuses. Breath of fresh air, really, compared to some of the people round these parts. Plus there's something about that last bit - maybe the damn cat really is making him soft. But the moniker 'kid' really fit in that moment ( ... )


osborn_heir May 30 2008, 02:50:48 UTC
Harry can be very young sometimes. One has to wonder how someone who has nearly died as many times as he has, and been through the sheer amount of crazy stuff he has still maintains some of his innocence. It's that innocence that is still there that keeps Peter Parker from being able to help Harry physically. Oh, he'd let Harry swing punches all day long, but to throw one back? Not without a black suit and aggression issues of his own ( ... )


bestdamnxman May 31 2008, 00:04:03 UTC

Logan splits his attention between what Harry is doing and what Harry is saying. And what Harry is not doing or saying.

And, of course, the ninjas.

Ninjas are fairly easy to deal with if you understand them. They swarm. Sure, they jump and kick and frenzy, but they know only a few real moves each because they depend on their swarm. So one or two resourceful opponents can take down the lot if them pretty easily long as they keep calm and pay attention. Like in Kill Bill.

Kill Bill. Now there's a love story. Better than Fight Club even, He should absolutely suggest a Kill Bill movie night to Jeannie....

Logan dispatches five ninjas while he's thinking this. Kick. Punch. Body slam. Doesn't have to resort to the snikt. Just ninjas ( ... )


osborn_heir May 31 2008, 00:26:08 UTC
The fact that Logan can split his attention is impressive to Harry. Because the only reason he's holding his own with the ninjas is that his focus is completely on them. What he's realized, both with his night out with Faith, and now this, is that he is relatively calm when he's focused completely on fighting something. He's not sure what to think about that. The last thing he thinks he should be doing is patrolling for demons. How many fights had he and Connor had about that, and how dangerous it was? Too many ( ... )


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