RP for osborn_heir

May 29, 2008 14:41

Jean had given them her tacit approval so Logan has no qualms about meeting Harry Osborn and showing him around the Danger Room. He didn't know exactly what the kid wanted out of this meeting. Lorna had been pretty vague when she'd mentioned the idea. Something about anger management. Well, Logan's pretty good with managing anger (he should have an ( Read more... )

harry, rp

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bestdamnxman May 31 2008, 00:04:03 UTC

Logan splits his attention between what Harry is doing and what Harry is saying. And what Harry is not doing or saying.

And, of course, the ninjas.

Ninjas are fairly easy to deal with if you understand them. They swarm. Sure, they jump and kick and frenzy, but they know only a few real moves each because they depend on their swarm. So one or two resourceful opponents can take down the lot if them pretty easily long as they keep calm and pay attention. Like in Kill Bill.

Kill Bill. Now there's a love story. Better than Fight Club even, He should absolutely suggest a Kill Bill movie night to Jeannie....

Logan dispatches five ninjas while he's thinking this. Kick. Punch. Body slam. Doesn't have to resort to the snikt. Just ninjas.

He's vaguely impressed by Harry's skills. Even more impressed with his speed. Must be what he means by enhancers. Almost like watching a ballet. Not that Logan's watched a ballet and not that he would. But when Pixie waxes lyrically about ballet -- Logan imagines something more like what Harry's doing now.

"You know what your triggers are." It's a statement. Logan stands directly in front of Harry, watching him take on the computer generated ninjas. He thinks they'd make a good pair in a fight, really. Kid's got moves. "Duck." With a move so swift it might not have happened Logan takes out two ninjas, knocking skulls behind Harry.


osborn_heir May 31 2008, 00:26:08 UTC
The fact that Logan can split his attention is impressive to Harry. Because the only reason he's holding his own with the ninjas is that his focus is completely on them. What he's realized, both with his night out with Faith, and now this, is that he is relatively calm when he's focused completely on fighting something. He's not sure what to think about that. The last thing he thinks he should be doing is patrolling for demons. How many fights had he and Connor had about that, and how dangerous it was? Too many.

He ducks when he's told, and at the same time, lashes his leg out, swiping a third ninja's feet from beneath him. As the two ninjas that Logan knocked together hit the ground, Harry is lunging toward the one who stumbled from his kick. This time he punches straight in the face, once, twice and the body hits the ground. There is something a little too satisfying about hitting someone in the face. He doesn't like to think too much about it.

Now that he's into the exercise he finds himself loosening up. Instead of tensing he finds that the more relaxed he is the easier it is to anticipate what will happen again. "I took the drugs because that's what I do. Something gets to me, and I look for a chemical solution." He ducks without being told as three ninjas drop from the top of a building at once. They are so intune with each other that it's hard to tell one from the other. Harry's impressed even if they aren't real.

Grabbing one of them by the throat, he hurls it into the side of the building it dropped from. That would be the superstrength he mentioned. It's a bit surprising that anyone who has watched the youtube vids hasn't cornered him yet demanding to know how he was able to toss someone like they were a doll.

The backflip he does to avoid one of them is mostly showing off because he's starting to grin. Harry is having fun now. If anyone had told him he'd enjoy fighting a few months ago he'd have thought they were delusional. Funny that he was beginning to understand the appeal after Connor was gone. When one manages to kick him into the wall, he snickers, bounces off, and comes at it with punches that could only be learned from fighting your way out of being jumped at Boarding School. The difference is that he hits a lot harder and faster now than he did at fifteen.

He catches sight of Logan and is impressed with his style. He makes such short work of it that Harry wonders how many real ninjas he's come up against. Only when it seems like they have worked there way through the group does he turn to face him, but he's standing in a way that makes it clear he's half anticipating being attacked again. "I was drugged by one of my scientists at OsCorp a couple years ago. He was using the improved version of the enhancers and had figured out my father's secret identity. He drugged me with it so people would assume it was me if they did a blood test or whatever. The problem was, the drugs were killing me, and did kill him. An antidote was reached, which makes the drugs safe for me. Except, the antidote just makes it so the enhancers aren't cooking my organs anymore. It didn't fix the increased aggression and rage." He paused for a moment and looked around, scanning tops of buildings for any sign of a threat before continuing.

"I took the enhancers to go after Todd when he stole from my institutionalized wife. I lost my grip, and when I lose my grip sometimes I hear..." total honesty right? Right. "Sometimes I hear or see my father. He told me to take them. I did it. Then I had another incident come up and I didn't need to hear him tell me to take them. I was so enraged that someone went after Kara again that I dosed myself up again. The problem now is, honestly, it feels like it's taking next to nothing to see me off now. I've never been so angry in my life."


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