"So is this your second time?" "uhh...actually it's my third..."

Jul 22, 2005 22:54

So yeah, pretty sure last night was my official worst night of work ever! Complete with balling all over my cab driver...but I'm getting a head of myself.....rewind******  So it all started off fine and dandy, first two pick ups and safe balances in the night were fine, but my last pick up and safe balance of the night is always the worst. That's because you're picking up all of the money in the store, and trying to balance all 26 cashes out, so I always have a couple of screw ups. A couple twentys stuck together here, and misadded loan there. But see, we have our handy dandy printer, that prints off everything I do to show me when I go back through the paper work where I might have made a mistake, like maybe entering a wrong amount for a lane in the computer and what not. Well, last night, my printer died on me, right in the middle of my final pick up, after close, when there was no one else in the store but the night stocking crew. So I fiddeled with the printer, trying to get it working, but it just kept coming up with the same error message, and it wouldn't print anything for me. So I call my boss, at 11:00 at night to tell her, and of course she was sleeping, so she's kinda grumpy....but really, what was I suppose to do. So she tells me to call the help desk in like, Halifax, and all they tell me is that they are going to send a technician in the morning, but for now there was nothing I could do. So I'm f-u-c-k-e-d. I have no way of printing off my paper work to show what I was doing in my pick ups, and therefore no way of showing exactly what I did for my pick ups. And of course, when you're dealing with $40 000 all at once, you're bound to make some mistakes. Which I did, but once again, I had no way of finding what my istakes were because i had no records of them. And also, I had no way of printing off any of my reports, which have to be printed off the night before because they get messed up the next day when the cashes are open and the transactions start! So yeah, but 1:00 in the morning-two hours after I was supposed to be off- my safe was short $600, my lane 33 (customer service) was over $1000, and I have no fucking clue why! And I can't call my boss again, cuz there's really nothing she could do cuz I have no records of what the fuck I did. So 1:30 I say fuck it, call my cab and go home. And my poor cab driver, prolly thought I was a lunatic because he picked me up, asked me how my night was, and then I start to bawl, right in his car! So he's trying to console me, meanwhile having no fucking clue what I'm talking about. Then I get home, and for some reason I hate crying in front of my mom, but I wasn't done of my crying fit (and megan, I came *this close* to calling you) so I went in to my mom's room and bawled some more. Because you see, the last person they had in cash office who got fired was my old boss from Save Easy, and they fired her because she kpet making too many mistakes-and she had been working cash office at save easy for 10 years! So like, if they fired her because of mistakes, they were prolly gonna hire the mob to come after me! So yeah, no sleep cuz I was worrying about work all night, and then I was up again to be in at work by 9:30 today, which I was terrified to go in for. But I get in, and my boss Marlene is just all smiles, saying "Oh Bethany, I felt so bad for you after we got off the phone last night. Imagine, to have the printer break down on you right when you're first starting! Oh well, it wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could do!" and then I say, "well, I fducked the safe up royally" and she says, yeah, but come upstairs and we'll figure it out. So we're going upstairs, and then it hits me! I did a loan for lanne 33 last night, for $600 dollars, but I didn't enter it into the compuer...that's why my safe is short!" So I tell Marlene, and that's exactly what it was....2 and a half hours of agonizing over one little mistake that I fixed in like, 2 seconds! So Marlene asks what time I got out last night, and I told hwer 1:30, and she says, "well that's why you didn't see it! You were probably so exhausted from going over the same things that it just wasn't making sense", which was compltely true. By the end of last night my eyes were so swollen from exhuastion and frustartion, I felt like I was on drugs! Then Marlene just laughs, and tells me that if something like that ever happens again, not to stay. Just pack 'er up att 11:00 and go home. She said she knows that last night was a bit different because I was paniky because of the printer and stuff, but mistakes like that always end up being right in front of us, it just takes a fresh mind to figure it out! And even though I had no records to show that I loaned out the money, it fit perfectly so that had to be it, there was no other explanation! So next time, don't sweat the small stuff. There's always someone who can figure it out the next day, and about the printer and having no records, she compltelye understood how I could have made that mistake, because once again, I had no real proof to show whether I had loaned the money out or not, I just had to go by memory, but when you're trying to rememeber what you've done for 26 lanes, it gets complicated. So yeah, that was my night, which was completley horrible, but a good learning experience...and I'm not fired! Sorry, this was really long and boring, but I had to get it out! ***side note-my quote at the top is me talking to the lady at the DMV while I'm making an appointment to get my beginners....for the third time...
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